KM Apartments
KM Apartments
- Apartmaji
- Hišni ljubljenčki dovoljeni
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Lastna kopalnica
- Dostop s kartičnim ključem
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Ogrevanje
- Dvigalo
V nastanitvi KM Apartments je morda na voljo Genius popust. Če želite preveriti, ali je za izbrane datume na voljo Genius popust, se vpišite.
Genius popusti v tej nastanitvi so odvisni od datumov opravljanja rezervacije, datumov bivanja in drugih razpoložljivih ponudb.
KM Apartments offer that extra space that everyone craves. Our apartments allow our guests to spread out for a longer stay, or provide them with all the space they need for that perfect working environment. The apartments range in size - from our quirky and unique Compact Open Plan studios to our stunning, spacious Superior Open Plan apartments that can sleep up to 4 guests comfortably. Every apartment has a fully equipped kitchen with combi oven/microwave, hob and dishwasher, and they can be booked for any length of stay. Choosing to stay in an apartment during your visit to Edinburgh means you’ll have all the extra space you deserve. You get all the services you would expect at home, complemented by our 24-hour reception team who can assist with restaurant reservations, transportation requests and much more. On those occasions when you are less inclined to cook, next door to the apartments you will find Circa, our breakfast room, offering a delicious full Scottish breakfast and tempting continental buffet. Everything you need to set you up for the day ahead. For those guests who may be missing their local gym, we’ve got you sorted. Guests staying at KM have free access to The University of Edinburgh’s award-winning Pleasance Sports Complex with its modern health & fitness facilities. Only a couple of minutes’ walk away is Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh’s number one free attraction, where you can climb 250m above the city for stunning panoramic views. A stone’s throw from Edinburgh Castle, The Palace of Holyrood House, The Royal Mile and Waverley Train Station, guests can easily explore Edinburgh and enjoy the local neighbourhood. The vibrant Southside combines charming Victorian architecture and leafy public squares with a bustling array of independent, vintage and eco-friendly shops, brilliant budget-friendly cafes and restaurants, as well as a whole host of family friendly activities. This is the ideal place to experience this majestic city - whether you are looking for some family fun, experiencing the sights or need a longer stay for work, KM Apartments is the place for you! For more than 12 pax booked within one party, we reserve the right to amend the payment and cancellation terms for the booking.
Parom je še posebej všeč sijajno lokacija – podali so ji oceno 8,9 za potovanja v dvoje.
Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Dvigalo
- Pralnica perila
- Ogrevanje
Prijavite se in prihranite

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:
Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj
- Katarina
“Mirna lokacija čisto blizu starega dela, blizu živilskih trgovin in restavracij. Prijazno osebje, prikupen apartma.” - Debbie
Velika Britanija
“It was well laid out and had everything we needed.” - Carmine
“The staff is welcoming and ready to solve any problems quickly. The room is suitable for a family and is very comfortable (studio superior). The international breakfast was simply delicious” - Georgios
“Breakfast was nice! Room was big and comfortable! Very good location near to the city centre” - Win
“Room is clean and new, service is great, different kinds of beverage provided.” - Mikayla
Velika Britanija
“SUPER friendly staff, apartment was clean and modern. Wish I could stay longer!” - Solange
“Very help someone staffs, who followed me all the way to the apartment and showed me how things worked. The apartment has many amenities, more than I expected.” - Bridgewater
Velika Britanija
“Lovely stay! Appreciated the complimentary wine and snacks to account for the renovations. I had a late check-in that was easily accommodated and appreciated the guided escort to my room.” - Janice
Velika Britanija
“Lovely small very clean apartment. Close to the theatre we we going to close to bars and restaurants. Staff very helpful” - Stephanie
Velika Britanija
“The staff were very friendly and helpful. Really appreciated that. The location is perfect if and so central. I like the layout of the apartment it had everything you need.”
Okolica nastanitve
Storitve nastanitve KM ApartmentsOdlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.5
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Dvigalo
- Pralnica perila
- Ogrevanje
ParkiriščeParkiranje ni možno.
Internet Brezžična povezava je na voljo v hotelskih sobah brezplačno.
- Jedilna miza
- Opekač kruha
- Kuhalna plošča
- Kuhinjska posoda
- Grelnik vode
- Pomivalni stroj
- Mikrovalovna pečica
- Hladilnik
- Manjša kuhinja
- Posteljnina
- Garderoba ali omara
- Budilka
- Toaletni papir
- Brisače
- Lastna kopalnica
- WC
- Brezplačen toaletni pribor
- Sušilec za lase
- Prha
Dnevna soba
- Jedilni predel
- Predel za sedenje
- Pisalna miza
Medijska in tehnološka oprema
- TV z ravnim zaslonom
- Telefon
Oprema v sobi
- Oprema za likanje
- Likalnik
Hišni ljubljenčkiHišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni po predhodni odobritvi. Morda je potrebno doplačilo.
- Izposoja kolesDoplačilo
Recepcija s storitvami
- Račun na zahtevo
Storitve čiščenja
- Pralnica perilaDoplačilo
- Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
- Ogrevanje
- Dvigalo
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Dostop s kartičnim ključem
- Sef
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
- angleščina
Hišni redKM Apartments sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!
Pravila glede otrok
Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.
Za otroke, stare 3 leta in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.
Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.
Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč
Število dovoljenih otroških postelj je odvisno od možnosti, ki jo izberete. Za več informacij preverite možnost, ki ste jo izbrali.
V tej nastanitvi dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.
Vse otroške postelje so odvisne od razpoložljivosti.

PodrobnostiKljučne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi
Gostje morajo ob prijavi pokazati veljaven osebni dokument s sliko in kreditno kartico. Upoštevajte, da so vse posebne zahteve odvisne od razpoložljivosti in da bo zanje morda potrebno doplačilo.
V tej nastanitvi ne sprejemajo fantovščin, dekliščin ali podobnih zabav.