Majutusasutus asub Fromes, 6,5 km kaugusel Longleat House'ist ja 22 km kaugusel Bathi ülikoolist. Majutusasutuses Stable Cottage with pre booked use of Indoor Swimming Pool on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja lameekraaniga televiisor. Majutusasutus asub Longleati safaripargist 11 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on aed ja tasuta eraparkla. Puhkemajas on 1 magamistuba, nõudepesumasina ja mikrolaineahjuga köök, pesumasin ning 2 vannituba koos fööniga. Puhkemajas on ka rätikud ja voodipesu. Majutusasutusel Stable Cottage with pre booked use of Indoor Swimming Pool on terrass. Bath Abbey ja Rooma termid on majutusasutusest 24 km kaugusel.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Parim asukoht: hiljuti külastanute poolt kõrgelt hinnatud (9,6)

Tasuta privaatne parkimine kohapeal


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Majutuse tüüp
Külastajate arv
1 kaheinimesevoodi
2 narivoodit
1 Jaapani magamismatt (futon)
1 diivanvoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe
Kõrge hinne sihtkoha Frome kohta

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Katie
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Communication was good. Check in was easy. Place was clean. Pool was great! Nice quiet location. Lovely pub/restaurant 3 minute drive away. Longleat 10 minutes away. Will definitely be coming again for longer next time.
  • Melissa
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    I loved the cottage, it had everything we needed for our family, including two young childrem. The host was very kind of provided a high chair and cot, already made up and the location was perfect. The bookable swimming pool was really fun for the...
  • Alysha
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Great option for visiting Frome and the markets. Hosts were great with communication and access with the lock box was easy. The place was super clean and had everything you would need for a short stay. Parking right on site was easy and safe and...
  • Linda
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Very clean and quiet - the furnishings were very nice - very comfy sofa and nice TV in lounge and bedroom.
  • Chris
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Steve was a lovely fella. The accommodation was great, and the use of the pool was unexpected and very welcome in the very hot weather!
  • A
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    That the property is well looked after and is perfect for a family of 4.

Kvaliteedihinne on andnud sellele majutusasutusele viiepallisüsteemis kvaliteedihindeks 3, tuginedes teguritele, nagu mugavused, suurus, asukoht ja teenused.

Võõrustaja: Steve

Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Part of the idyllic Bleets Farm Private Estate, Stable Cottage offers the perfect countryside stay. Remote enough for quiet walks, but still only a few miles from the award-winning town, Frome. Also Longleat, Bath, Wells & Glastonbury are a short drive from Stable Cottage. This makes an ideal hub for an action packed break. If time to unwind is just what you need, you can kick back and relax in the countryside. The Space: Stable Cottage is a brand-new holiday cottage situated on the Bleets Farm Estate. Adjacent to our stables, the cottage is nestled within our working yard with a private walled courtyard garden and picnic seating area, you'll be sure to have the perfect stay. Inside, on the ground floor, you have the open-plan lounge/kitchen and dining area which is spacious and modern with a brand-new fitted kitchen. There is also a downstairs toilet. Upstairs on the landing, there are two small single bunk beds (2ft 6"); perfect for the children with a privacy curtain and sockets for both bunks... so they can create their own den! The master bedroom, with a luxurious double bed is off of the opposite side of the landing. Finally, there is a family bathroom with shower over bath and toilet. If you would like a disposal BBQ, we keep some onsite at a small charge. Swimming pool must be pre booked and is charged at an hourly rate. Guest Access: Upon arrival, there is a short drive into the yard area where the stables will be immediately on your left hand side. Just a few meters from the last stable there are two dark brown wooden garden gates, the left hand gate is the entrance to Stable Cottage. There are two free private car parking spaces right outside the garden gate and a few meters of patio walkway right to the front door of the cottage (the left hand side of the bi-fold doors). There are stairs to access the bedrooms and family bathroom. The small single bunk beds (2ft 6") on the landing have been designed for children and there is slightly restricted.
We are down a quiet country lane that goes on for miles and miles, with no through-traffic, so bike rides, long walks or jogs are plentiful. There are great transport links in Frome, including busses, trains, taxis and the like which is only 2.7 miles from us. Walking to the town centre is possible, but is not straight forward so we would recommend either driving, cycling or using local taxi services. Once you get to Frome itself, everything is within walking distance. Frome boasts being named the most stylish town in the UK, along with a number of other awards, and has an amazing array of independent restaurants, wine bars and pubs offering a huge variation of dining experiences. There are a variety of local takeaways (some offering a delivery service) if you’d prefer a quiet night in to ‘Netflix and Chill’. Download the AllTrails App for free on your smart phone for local walking routes.... from relaxing strolls to long hikes, the Somerset Countryside has them all. You can even walk to the Longleat Estate if you wish!
Personal kõneleb keeltinglise

Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Majutusasutuses Stable Cottage with pre booked use of Indoor Swimming Pool pakutavad mugavused
Suurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.8

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused

  • Sisebassein
  • Tasuta parkimine
  • Peretoad
  • Tasuta Wi-Fi
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele

Tasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).

  • Invaparkimine

WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.


  • Laste söögitool
  • Pliit
  • Ahi
  • Köök
  • Pesumasin
  • Nõudepesumasin
  • Mikrolaineahi
  • Külmkapp


  • Voodipesu


  • Tualettpaber
  • Rätikud
  • Privaatne vannituba
  • Föön

Meedia ja tehnika

  • Lameekraaniga televiisor

Mugavused toas

  • Triikraud


  • Piknikuala
  • Välimööbel
  • Grillimisvõimalus
    Lisatasu eest
  • Terrass
  • Aed

Lisatasu eest

  • Aasta läbi avatud
  • Sobib kõikidele vanusegruppidele

Toit ja jook

  • Tee- ja kohvimasin


  • Privaatne sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
  • Pagasihoid


  • Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
  • Küte
  • Peretoad
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele


  • Videovalve majutusasutusest väljaspool
  • Suitsuandurid

Personal kõneleb

  • inglise

Tähtis teada
Stable Cottage with pre booked use of Indoor Swimming Pool võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

Alates 15:00
Pead majutusasutusele ette teada andma, millal saabud.
Kuni 10:00
Tühistamine/ ettemakse
Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
Lapsed ja voodid

Laste majutamise reeglid

Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.

Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.

Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

Selles majutusasutuses pole laste- ja lisavoodid saadaval.

Vanusepiirangut ei ole
Sisseregistreerimisele ei kehti vanusepiirangut
Maksed kaudu võtab majutusasutuse nimel selle peatumise eest sult makse, kuid veendu, et sul oleks kohapeal sularaha võimalike lisakulutuste jaoks.
Suitsetamine ei ole lubatud.
Peod/üritused ei ole lubatud
Lemmikloomad ei ole lubatud.

Kasulik teada
Selle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad

Swimming pool must be pre-booked and is charged at £20.00 per hour.

Selles majutusasutuses pole poissmeestepeod ega muud sarnased üritused lubatud.