Κastro Ηotel
Κastro Ηotel
About us. Kastro Hotel is situated on the Greek island of Ikaria, in the village of Agios Kirykos, the capital of Ikaria. It's built on a rock overlooking the village and offers two buildings accessible via stairs from Agios Kirykos or by car in front of our entrance. The hotel provides two elevators for easier access, and the two building are connected through stairs, and while there's no private parking, guests can park next to the road outside the hotel or guests can park in the city and walk up to the hotel. The hotel was built in 1987. It opened its doors in 1993 under the rules of the Greek Tourism Organisation. We are a small family-run establishment. We strive to give our customers the best possible experience. While we acknowledge that our hotel may not be perfect, we make continuous efforts to improve and provide the best service we can.
Pör eru sérlega hrifin af staðsetningunni — þau gáfu henni einkunnina 9,0 fyrir tveggja manna ferðir.
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Vinsælasta aðstaðan
- Reyklaus herbergi
- Ókeypis Wi-Fi
Veldu efnisflokka til að lesa umsagnir:
Gestir sem dvöldu hér voru hrifnir af
- Nicola
„Great location, super friendly staff. Our room was spotless, exactly as in the pictures and an amazing sea view.“ - Peter
„Very friendly, helpful, relaxed. Really nice people!“ - Christine
„Great view from our room, very helpful and friendly staff.“ - Meg
„A very pleasant hotel with large clean rooms and a great view of the town and harbour . The staff were exceptionally helpful and kind and very accomodating to us when our ferry was delayed. Highly recommended.“ - Beata
„Kastro Hotel is located uphill on the rocks. It has a disadvantage when it comes to getting there yet I still found it worth staying there for the views. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool where I cooled down after walking up from the port to...“ - Christos
„The hotel is 150m from the center, on the top of the nearby hill. The location is perfect, we had also a balcony overlooking the city of Agios Kirikos. The view was amazing. In 5 minutes on foot you are down in the center. It was easy to find a...“ - Ellen
„The quirky design, the friendly staff, the swimming pool and the views“ - Margarita
„Georgia from reception was excellent! She gave us such great tips on where to go and what to do. So friendly and polite! We spend a night a different hotel in the north of the island and called us in the morning to check if we are OK. The room was...“ - Eduardo
„The staff was very helpful, we had a problem with our sink and they fixed it immediately, they also provided tips about the local festivals. The pool and the views were really good. The building itself had personality, after a few days it felt...“ - George
„Only stayed for one night, but this was a great choice for our stopover in Ikaria. Lovely, basic hotel with kind staff within a short walk of the ferry port. They were very helpful in recommending a nice restaurant nearby and organising a taxi for...“
Umhverfi hótelsins
Aðstaða á Κastro Ηotel
Vinsælasta aðstaðan
- Reyklaus herbergi
- Ókeypis Wi-Fi
- Salernispappír
- Handklæði
- Baðkar eða sturta
- Sérbaðherbergi
- Salerni
- Ókeypis snyrtivörur á baðherbergi
- Hárþurrka
- Sturta
- Rúmföt
- Fataskápur eða skápur
- Fataherbergi
- Borgarútsýni
- Kennileitisútsýni
- Útsýni
Svæði utandyra
- Garðhúsgögn
- Sólarverönd
- Svalir
- Verönd
- Hreinsivörur
- Ísskápur
Aðbúnaður í herbergjum
- Innstunga við rúmið
Miðlar & tækni
- Flatskjár
- Sími
- Sjónvarp
InternetÞráðlaust internet (Wi-Fi) er aðgengilegt á öllum svæðum og er ókeypis.
BílastæðiBílastæði eru ekki til staðar.
Þjónusta í boði
- Dagleg þrifþjónusta
- Sameiginleg setustofa/sjónvarpsstofa
- Hægt að fá reikning
- Slökkvitæki
- Öryggismyndavélar á útisvæðum
- Öryggismyndavélar á sameiginlegum svæðum
- Aðgangur með lykli
- Öryggishólf
- Loftkæling
- Reyklaust
- Flísa-/Marmaralagt gólf
- Kynding
- Lyfta
- Reyklaus herbergi
- Efri hæðir aðgengilegar með lyftu
- Strandbekkir/-stólar
Þjónusta í boði á:
- gríska
- enska
HúsreglurΚastro Ηotel tekur við sérstökum óskum! Bættu þeim við í næsta skrefi!
Börn eru ekki leyfð.
Skilmálar fyrir barna- og aukarúm
Þessi gististaður er ekki með barna- eða aukarúm.

Smáa letriðNauðsynlegar upplýsingar fyrir gesti á þessum gististað
Gestir verða að sýna gild skilríki með ljósmynd og kreditkort við innritun. Vinsamlegast athugið að allar sérstakar óskir eru háðar framboði og aukagjöld geta átt við.
Vinsamlegast tilkynnið Κastro Ηotel fyrirfram um áætlaðan komutíma. Þú getur notað dálkinn Sérstakar óskir við bókunarferlið eða haft samband beint við gististaðinn með því að nota tengiliðsupplýsingarnar í bókunarstaðfestingunni.
Fyrir komu er greiðsla með bankamillifærslu nauðsynleg. Eftir bókun mun gististaðurinn hafa samband og veita þér leiðbeiningar.
Gestir yngri en 18 ára geta aðeins innritað sig með foreldri eða forráðamanni.
Leyfisnúmer: 1070134