Nature Valley Homestay Near Annapoorneshwari Temple er staðsett í Kalasa á Karnataka-svæðinu og býður upp á gistirými með ókeypis einkabílastæði. Einingarnar í heimagistingunni eru með sérbaðherbergi og ókeypis WiFi. Næsti flugvöllur er Mangalore-alþjóðaflugvöllurinn, 113 km frá heimagistingunni.

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Það besta við gististaðinn

  • Bílastæði
    Ókeypis bílastæði, Einkabílastæði, Bílastæði á staðnum


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Fjöldi gesta
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2 hjónarúm
1 einstaklingsrúm
1 hjónarúm
2 einstaklingsrúm
2 hjónarúm
2 hjónarúm
3 hjónarúm
Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis. Reyndu aftur síðar.
Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis. Reyndu aftur síðar.
Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis. Reyndu aftur síðar.
Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis. Reyndu aftur síðar.
Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis. Reyndu aftur síðar.


Mikið fyrir peninginn
Þetta er sérlega há einkunn Kalasa

Veldu efnisflokka til að lesa umsagnir:

Gestir sem dvöldu hér voru hrifnir af

  • Misha
    Indland Indland
    It's very good break fast. And good response from staff and owner
  • R
    Indland Indland
    Nature Valley Homestay is an excellent place to stay! The property is exceptionally neat and well-maintained, offering a serene and comfortable environment. The location is perfect, especially for those visiting nearby temples, as it’s...
  • Raghunath
    Indland Indland
    Location Ambience and Food were very good. Staff were very friendly and Cooperative
  • Ramesh
    Indland Indland
    Great staff, ambience of the resort, friendly staff and the food. The deluxe room I booked was spacious and clean. The balcony had a nice view and a great place to relax during the day. Food is prepared fresh by the staff when asked for. The...
  • Ravichandra
    Indland Indland
    The hospitality and friendly nature of the staff. Quality of food is another highlight at the property.
  • Reddy
    Indland Indland
    It’s very nice location. Food was very tasty and they are maintained resort very nice.
  • Phanikumar
    Indland Indland
    Property is excellent location. Rooms are neat.We really enjoyed staying here. Mr. Santhosh welcomed us very well. Food is unbelievable good. Staff is also very friendly and I strongly recommend to book it
  • T
    Indland Indland
    Hospitality, location, cleanliness. The main point which attracts is the food. Fantastic home made food. Perfect destination for a family trip to Horanadu.
  • C
    Indland Indland
    Location is very good , it is very close to Annapoorneshwari temple. Mr Santosh is (and others there as well ) very helpful . arranged for pick up and Drop to the temple. Really liked the nice gesture.
  • Nagaraj
    Sameinuðu Arabísku Furstadæmin Sameinuðu Arabísku Furstadæmin
    Amazing host. Very accommodating and flexible. good food. The location is beautiful. If you are visiting with family, this is one of the best places in Horanadu.

Upplýsingar um gestgjafann

Umsagnareinkunn fyrirtækis: 9,9Byggt á 28 umsögnum frá 1 gististaður
1 gististað í umsjá rekstrarfélags

Upplýsingar um gististaðinn

Nature Valley homestay is a great option for travellers looking out for homestay in Hornadu. It is located in Hornadu.This Homestay stands out as one of the highly recommended homestay in Hornadu and is recommended by 100% of our guests. Homestay is rated 4.0 out of 5, which is considered as very good. From all the Budget hotels in Hornadu, Nature Valley homestay is very much popular among the tourists. A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. The Homestay has standard Check-In time as 12:00 PM and Check-Out time as 12:00 PM. What our guests think Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the Goibibo platform to ensure that Nature Valley homestay is best suited for them. For more detailed information about this homestay, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo. There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property. You can find numerous hotels in Hornadu under different categories and Nature Valley homestay is one the best hotel under its category.

Tungumál töluð


Umhverfi gistirýmisins

Aðstaða á Nature Valley Homestay Near Annapoorneshwari Temple
Frábær aðstaða! Umsagnareinkunn: 9.4

Vinsælasta aðstaðan

  • Ókeypis Wi-Fi
  • Ókeypis bílastæði


  • Sérbaðherbergi

Þráðlaust internet (Wi-Fi) er aðgengilegt á öllum svæðum og er ókeypis.

Ókeypis einkabílastæði á staðnum (pöntun er ekki nauðsynleg).


    • Loftkæling
    • Reyklaust

    Þjónusta í boði á:

    • enska

    Nature Valley Homestay Near Annapoorneshwari Temple tekur við sérstökum óskum! Bættu þeim við í næsta skrefi!

    Frá kl. 15:00 til kl. 18:00
    Frá kl. 08:00 til kl. 11:00
    Afpöntun/ fyrirframgreiðsla
    Skilmálar um afpantanir og fyrirframgreiðslur fara eftir tegund gististaðar. Vinsamlegast sláðu inn dvalardagsetningar þínar og athugaðu skilyrði nauðsynlegra valkosta.
    Börn og rúm


    Börn á öllum aldri velkomin.

    Bættu fjölda barna í hópnum þínum og aldri þeirra í leitina til að sjá réttar upplýsingar um verð og hámarksfjölda.

    Skilmálar fyrir barna- og aukarúm

    Þessi gististaður er ekki með barna- eða aukarúm.

    Engin aldurstakmörk
    Engin aldurstakmörk fyrir innritun
    Gæludýr eru ekki leyfð.
    Aðeins reiðufé
    Þetta gistirými tekur aðeins við greiðslum í reiðufé.
    Reykingar eru ekki leyfðar.
    Samkvæmi/viðburðir eru ekki leyfð

    Smáa letrið
    Nauðsynlegar upplýsingar fyrir gesti á þessum gististað

    Gististaðurinn hýsir ekki gæsa-, steggja-, eða önnur álíka partí.