NARA Visitor Center and Inn
The Nara Visitor Center and Inn is situated in the heart of Nara, just a 3-minute walk from Kofuku-ji Temple and Naramachi. The Todai-ji Temple and Deer Park are a 10-minute stroll away, while Nara Station on the Kintetsu Line is a 7-minute walk. JR Nara Station is 14-minutes away on foot. All guest rooms feature air conditioning and heating, and are equipped with a fridge and flat-screen TV. Japanese samue nightwear are available to all staying guests. Some units come equipped with an en suite bathroom with a shower, while some Japanese-style rooms come with an en suite shower. Japanese-style rooms feature tatami (woven-straw) floors and Japanese futon bedding. The property offers free WiFi access and a 24-hour front desk. Luggage storage is available. There is a public bath on site, where guests will find free toiletries and hairdryers. A coin launderette, a shared kitchen and free-use internet PCs are offered on site. The on-site tourist information desk offers information in English, Chinese and Korean. Services offered at the desk include transport and meal tickets at a discount, currency exchange, bike hire at a charge, cultural activities at an additional charge, such as Japanese calligraphy lessons, and tour arrangements. Some cultural activities such as origami folding are offered free of charge.
Majutusasutuse erakordne asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,9.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Peretoad
Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Matet
„We stayed in more than 25 hotels in Japan (including a JPY 50,000 per night stay in a luxury hotel) and the staff here are the most hospitable to think that this was the most affordable one. Super highly recommended” - Meg
Ameerika Ühendriigid
„An incredible room for a great deal. The room was exceptionally comfortable and had a cozy sofa that I really enjoyed. Staff very competent and kind. Everyone went above and beyond. I would have enjoyed staying longer.” - Simon
„Genuinely stunned by how good this place is while being so affordable. I had a really spacious room with view of the pond and temples, traditional tatami floor, really beautiful experience. There is a common bath available from afternoon to...” - Grace
„So close to the park. The staff were really lovely. They gave us information about the illumination and we were able to make origami. The room was very spacious with a beautiful view. It was clean and comfortable and had a kitchen and shop. We had...” - Yuma
„It is located in the center of the city, with easy walking access to Todaiji Temple and popular rice cake shops, so we think the location is perfect. The majority of guests are from overseas, but Japanese tourists can also stay here.” - Jennifer
„What a fantastic place to stay in Nara. Huge rooms with fabulous views and great self service facilities. The staff are very helpful and kind. Would recommend using this hotel as a base for touring the Nara area and even Kyoto as the trains are so...” - Rudelene
„Central location, spacious room and friendly staff” - Sebastian
„Amazing place with the most welcoming staff. You could see that the people working there are really caring about the local community.” - William
„Easy to find, walking distance to almost all the attractions in Nara. Exceptionally friendly and helpful staff!” - Yannick
„- Great location - Very affordable - Very friendly staff - Great free activities such as Origami - Large room - Luggage storage before Check-in and after Check-out”
Hotelli ümbruskond
Majutusasutuses NARA Visitor Center and Inn pakutavad mugavusedSuurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.3
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Peretoad
- Tualettpaber
- Rätikud
- Bidee
- Vann või dušš
- Sussid
- Privaatne vannituba
- Tualettruum
- Föön
- Dušš
- Voodipesu
- Terrass
- Ühisköök
- Külmkapp
Meedia ja tehnika
- Lameekraaniga televiisor
- Satelliittelevisioon
- Telefon
- Televiisor
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
ParkimineParkimine ei ole võimalik.
- Lastekärud
- Müügiautomaat (joogid)
- Pagasihoid
- Valuutavahetus
- Triikimisteenus
- PesumajaLisatasu eest
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Tulekustutid
- Videovalve majutusasutusest väljaspool
- Videovalve ühiskasutatavatel aladel
- Suitsuandurid
- Valvesignalisatsioon
- Ligipääs võtmega
- Ööpäevaringne valve
- Seif
- Minimarket (kohapeal)
- Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
- Konditsioneer
- Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
- Küte
- Lift
- Peretoad
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Ülemistele korrustele pääseb liftiga
- Avalik kümblusvann
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- jaapani
- korea
- hiina
Tähtis teadaNARA Visitor Center and Inn võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
7-aastastele ja vanematele lastele kehtivad selles majutusasutuses täiskasvanute hinnad.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Selles majutusasutuses pole laste- ja lisavoodid saadaval.

Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
Please contact the property directly for more details regarding the cultural activities offered to guests during their stay.