Tagoto features a hot public bath, Japanese-style and Western rooms and Japanese cuisine, a 5-minute drive from Aizu Wakamatsu Station. It offers free Wi-Fi throughout the propert and free parking is on-site. Japanese-style rooms have a tatami (woven-straw) floor and traditional futon bedding, while Western rooms come with beds and an en suite bathroom. All rooms are air-conditioned and fitted with an LCD TV and a fridge. The restaurant offers local specialities, including the region’s signature meppameshi rice dish and an Aizu Kaiseki multi-course dinner. Tagoto is a 7-minute drive from Tsuruga Castle and a 10-minute drive from Mount Iimori. The Noguchi Hideyo Memorial Museum is a 30-minute drive.
Parom je še posebej všeč zelo dobro lokacija – podali so ji oceno 8,4 za potovanja v dvoje.
Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Restavracija
- Družinske sobe
Prednosti nastanitve
- Zajtrk na voljoIzjemen zajtrk
- ParkiriščeBrezplačno parkiranje, Zasebno parkirišče, Parkirišče v sklopu nastanitve
- Oprema v kuhinjiGrelnik vode, Hladilnik
Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:
Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj
- Achilles
“The staff were lovely, helpful, attentive and very accommodating of the fact we had to leave for an early train. The food was delicious and our tatami room and the bath were very cozy and pleasant.” - Federico
“I loved my stay here. The stuff was very kind and helpful and they tried the best to communicate despite not speaking a fluent English. The dinner was superb, and I enjoyed a lot the breakfast as well. The bath was very nice and overall the...” - Sabrina
“Everything was perfect. The stuff was so nice and friendly. The meals were really delicious. The room was very clean and big. The bad was so comfortable. I really enjoyed it so much ☺️” - Richard
Velika Britanija
“A fun stay in a ryokan. We were looked after exceptionally well. The breakfast gets a special mention.” - Martin
“Excellent Ryokan. Very good if you want to experience a traditional Japanese house. Both dinner and breakfast were plenty and excellent. If you like to experience traditional Japanese cuisine, this is the place to go. The hosts are beyond friendly...” - Karin
“This was one of the nicest Japanese inns we stayed in during our three week trip! The building is beautiful, we had a lovely and very big room, staff was extremely friendly and we could book a private time slot for the bath. The best of all was...” - Eoghan
“The service and the meals were outstanding. This inn is particularly well managed, and the staff went out of their way to make my stay most pleasant.” - Florence
“Breakfast was very good and huge, but fortunately there was the option to get rice cakes from the leftovers. Service in general very nice. Clean and spacious room, bathroom facilities also very clean.” - Andre
“The welcome, the friendliness and care from the owners, was very much appreciated. The dinners and breakfasts were superb. Location was convenient and we took the local bus to travel around to various sights..” - Rogers
“Beautiful inn, lovely details and the service was fantastic. The dining was also such a great experience.”

Upravlja: 料理旅館 田事
Podatki o podjetju
Podatki o nastanitvi
Informacije o soseski
Jeziki, ki jih v nastanitvi govorijo:
angleščina,japonščinaOkolica nastanitve
Restavracije1 restavracija v sklopu nastanitve
- レストラン #1
- Vrsta kulinarikejaponska
- Odprto zaKosilo • Večerja
- VzdušjeDružinam prijazno
- Posebne dietevegetarijanska • brez glutena • brez mlečnih izdelkov
Storitve nastanitve TagotoOdlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.7
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Restavracija
- Družinske sobe
- Brisače
- Copati
- Skupno stranišče
- Brezplačen toaletni pribor
- Skupna kopalnica
Na prostem
- Vrt
- Grelnik vode
- Hladilnik
Oprema v sobi
- Vtičnica ob postelji
- Obešalnik za oblačila
Medijska in tehnološka oprema
- TV z ravnim zaslonom
- TV
Hrana in pijača
- Otroški obroki
- Restavracija
Internet Brezžična povezava je na voljo v celotnem hotelu brezplačno.
ParkiriščeBrezplačno privatno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni potrebna).
- Karte za javni prevozDoplačilo
- Vsakodnevno čiščenjeDoplačilo
- Shramba za prtljago
- Storitev bujenja
- Prostori za sestanke in pogostitveDoplačilo
Recepcija s storitvami
- Račun na zahtevo
- Gasilni aparati
- Dimni alarm
- Dostop s ključem
- Sef
- Primerno za alergike
- Poseben prostor za kadilce
- Klimatizirano
- Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
- Ogrevanje
- Sef za prenosnik
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Zgornja nadstropja dostopna le po stopnicah
- Javno kopališče
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
- angleščina
- japonščina
Hišni redTagoto sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!
Pravila glede otrok
Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.
Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.
Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč
V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

PodrobnostiKljučne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi
The property has a curfew at 23:00. Guests cannot enter or leave the property after this time.
An additional fee is charged for meals for children using an existing bed.
Guests arriving after 20:00 must inform the property in advance. If the property is not informed, the booking may be treated as a no show. Contact details can be found on the booking confirmation.
Nastanitev Tagoto vnaprej obvestite o predvidenem času prihoda. To lahko med rezervacijo vpišete v okence za posebne zahteve ali pa kontaktirate nastanitev. Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v potrditvi rezervacije.
Gostje se morajo prijaviti do 19:00:00, če želijo večerjati v tej nastanitvi. Gostom, ki se prijavijo kasneje, večerja ne bo servirana. Vračilo denarja za večerjo ni mogoče.