Sun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free Transfers
Sun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free Transfers
- Merevaade
- Bassein
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Terrass
- Rõdu
- Vann
- Konditsioneer
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Igapäevane koristusteenus
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
Sulle võib majutusasutuses Sun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free Transfers kehtida Genius-soodustus. Kui soovid teada, kas sinu valitud kuupäevadeks on Genius-soodustus saadaval, logi sisse.
Genius-soodustused selles majutusasutuses olenevad broneerimiskuupäevadest, peatumiskuupäevadest ja muudest saadaval olevatest pakkumistest.
Koge esmaklassilist teenust majutusasutuses Sun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free Transfers
Sun Siyam Iru Veli - Premium All Inclusive asub Dhaalu atollil. Sellel on spordikeskus, baar ja lõõgastav vee kohal asuv spaa. Majutusasutus pakub tasuta transporditeenust. Kohapeal on ka restoran. Viie tärniga kõik-hinna-sees kuurort pakub einestamispaketti „Sun Aqua Signature“ koos võimalusega einestada eri restoranides. Kõikidel kuurordi majutusruumidel on privaatne bassein. Tubades on privaatne vanniga vannituba. Hotelli Sun Siyam Iru Veli - Premium All Inclusive kõikides tubades on lameekraaniga televiisor ja tasuta tualetitarbed. Hotellis serveeritakse hommikusööki Rootsi lauas.
Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,5.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- 2 basseini
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Lennujaamatransport
- Peretoad
- 3 restorani
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskus
- Tee/kohvi valmistamise võimalus kõigis tubades
- Baar
- Rannaäär
Logi sisse ja säästa raha

Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu
Toatüüp | Külastajate arv | |
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
Magamistuba 1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi Elutuba 1 diivanvoodi | ||
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi | ||
2 eriti laia kaheinimesevoodit | ||
2 eriti laia kaheinimesevoodit |
KestlikkusSellel majutusasutusel on 1 kolmanda osalise väljastatud kestlikkuse sertifikaat.
- Travelife for Accommodation
Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Jelena
„Positives: • Beautiful, Spacious Island – The resort is large, allowing for scenic walks, and the best part is that you can comfortably walk barefoot throughout the island, which is a true Maldivian luxury. • Exceptional Spa Services – The spa...” - Erica
„The hotel occupies an island, the scenery and the water are absolutely gorgeous. The villa we stayed in was clean, well maintained. We have been supplied with water 2 times a day, complimentary minibar, sheesha, snorkelling equipment and...” - Caitlin
„We stayed here for our honeymoon and took our 2 year old daughter with us. From the moment we landed in Male the staff were there to greet us and coordinate our transfer via sea plane to the resort. The waiting lounge was a great space inclusive...” - Marika
„The island was beautiful, the food was very good in all of the restaurants. All of the staff were amazing and always going out of their way for you. The Dolphin Villa room was good. Saw dolphins the first morning we were there swimming past the...” - Marcela
„My husband & I spent 10 days at this beautiful, amazing resort. Everything was so perfect and Adam gave us a warm welcome and arranged everything for us. The staff is super friendly and OMG the food is the best! My husband is a kidney patient and...” - Robert
„It was a beautiful blue lagoon and palms. It has a very small island. I walked around the island in 20 minutes. It was so nice. The accommodation was a private pool with villa front beach. It feels like home not like hotel. I enjoyed buffet and...” - Tiffany
Araabia Ühendemiraadid
„The staff are wonderful. My requests were met with a genuine willingness to help and done so promptly. The effort they displayed to celebrate my birthday was greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Bandula. You will not feel short of kindness...” - Umairyahya
„I thoroughly enjoyed my stay. The staff was incredibly helpful specially Fatima, going above and beyond to ensure my comfort. The food was delicious 😋, and my room was spotless and huge. I recommend getting all inclusive plan. 👍” - Adriana
„Food was fantastic, water around clear... We saw a lot of fishes. Beaches were empty, all guests used their private pools.” - Kurt
„- Beautiful resort - Excellent views - Very good food - Excellent staff”
Majutusasutuse ümbrus
RestoranidKohapeal 3 restorani
- Aqua Orange
- KöökKohalik köök • Aasia köök • Rahvusvaheline köök
- EinestamisvõimalusedHommikusöök • Lõunasöök • Õhtusöök
- Grouper Grill
- KöökMereannid • Grillrestoran
- EinestamisvõimalusedLõunasöök • Õhtusöök
- Roma
- KöökVahemere köök
- EinestamisvõimalusedÕhtusöök
- ÕhkkondRomantiline
Kuurordi mugavused majutusasutuses Sun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free TransfersSuurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.4
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- 2 basseini
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Lennujaamatransport
- Peretoad
- 3 restorani
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskus
- Tee/kohvi valmistamise võimalus kõigis tubades
- Baar
- Rannaäär
- Tualettpaber
- Rätikud
- Bidee
- Käterätikud/voodipesu lisatasu eest
- Vann või dušš
- Sussid
- Privaatne vannituba
- Tualettruum
- Tasuta tualetitarbed
- Hommikumantel
- Föön
- Vann
- Dušš
- Voodipesu
- Riide- või seinakapp
- Äratuskell
- Vaade basseinile
- Vaade
- Välimööbel
- Rannaäär
- Terrass
- Privaatne bassein
- Kohvimasin
- Puhastusvahendid
- Veekeetja
- Külmkapp
Mugavused toas
- Pistikupesa voodi lähedal
- Diivanvoodi
- Riidenagi
- Elav muusika / esinejad
- Toiduvalmistamise koolitusLisatasu eest
- Temaatilised õhtusöögid
- FilmiõhtudLisatasu eest
- Rand
- Sulgpallivarustus
- Tennisevarustus
- Õhtune meelelahutus
- Lasteklubi
- Võimalused veespordi harrastamiseks (kohapeal)Lisatasu eest
- Ööklubi/DJ
- Snorgeldamine
- SukeldumineLisatasu eest
- Kanuusõit
- Nooleviskemäng
- PurjelauasõitLisatasu eest
- KaraokeLisatasu eest
- Lauatennis
- Piljard
- Laste mänguväljak
- Mängude tuba
- KalastamineLisatasu eest
- Tenniseväljak
- Diivan
- Istumisnurk
- Töölaud
Meedia ja tehnika
- Lameekraaniga televiisor
- Kaabeltelevisioon
- Telefon
- Televiisor
Toit ja jook
- Puuviljad
- Vein/šampanjaLisatasu eest
- Rootsi laud (sobib ka lastele)
- Lasteeined
- Eridieetide menüüd (taotluse alusel)
- Snäkibaar
- Hommikusöök toas
- Baar
- Minibaar
- Restoran
- Tee- ja kohvimasin
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval hotellitubades ja on tasuta.
ParkimineParkimine ei ole võimalik.
- Võimalik on arve saada
- Privaatne sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
- Concierge-teenus
- Pagasihoid
- Turismiinfopunkt
- Valuutavahetus
- Kiire sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele
- Lastele mõeldud varustus õues mängimiseks
- Mänguala siseruumides
- Lauamängud/pusled
- Lastele mõeldud raamatud, DVDd või muusika
- Lauamängud/pusled
Puhastus- ja koristusteenused
- Igapäevane koristusteenus
- PüksipressLisatasu eest
- TriikimisteenusLisatasu eest
- PesumajaLisatasu eest
- Faks/Paljundusmasin
- Tulekustutid
- Suitsuandurid
- Ööpäevaringne valve
- Seif
- Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
- Konditsioneer
- Äratusteenus
- Puit- või parkettpõrand
- Seif sülearvuti jaoks
- Ventilaator
- Peretoad
- LennujaamatransportLisatasu eest
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Triikraud
- Äratusteenus/äratuskell
- Toateenindus
- Kogu üksus asub alumisel korrusel
2 basseini
1. bassein – väljasTasuta!
- Aasta läbi avatud
- Sobib kõikidele vanusegruppidele
- Lamamis- või rannatoolid
2. bassein – väljasTasuta!
- Aasta läbi avatud
- Sobib kõikidele vanusegruppidele
- Lastebassein
- Jõusaali/spaa riietusruumid
- Joogatunnid
- Jõusaal
- Spaapaketid/wellness-paketid
- Jalavann
- Spaa lounge/lõõgastusala
- Aurusaun
- Spaa mugavused
- Valgusteraapia
- Kehamähised
- Keha koorimine
- Kehahooldused
- Juuste stiliseerimine
- Juukselõikus
- Pediküür
- Maniküür
- Juuksehooldused
- Jumestus
- Näohooldused
- Iluteenused
- Päikesevarjud
- Lamamis- või rannatoolid
- Türgi saun (hamam)
- MassaažLisatasu eest
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskusLisatasu eest
- Spordisaal
- Saun
Personal kõneleb
- araabia
- saksa
- inglise
- hispaania
- prantsuse
- hindi
- itaalia
- kannada
- korea
- malajalami
- pandžabi
- vene
- tamili
- urdu
- hiina
Tähtis teadaSun Siyam Iru Veli - 24 Hours Premium All-Inclusive with Free Transfers võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
12-aastastele ja vanematele lastele kehtivad selles majutusasutuses täiskasvanute hinnad.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Lubatud lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.
Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lisavoodid saadaval.
Lastevoodid olenevad saadavusest.



Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
The hotel reserves the right to charge the credit card at the time of making the booking for the accommodation and seaplane transfers. Or hotel reservations team will reach out to collect the payment with the online gateway link.
Please note that a credit card corresponding to the name on the booking is required at check-in and while making the payment at the hotel, and please note that the property may contact the cardholder for verification purposes. The resort team will email a payment link and request to do the payment within 48 hours to avoid cancellation of the booked room type.
For VCC payments (payments to, green tax and transfer charges to be paid directly to the resort within 72 hours after the booking is made. This payment must be made prior to the guest’s arrival.
Due to safety and privacy concerns, the operation of unmanned aerial systems or drones by any of guests including drones & other model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists is prohibited.
A maximum of 2 children aged11.99 years can stay and eat free of charge in a villa shared with full paying adults.
Please note that a Green Tax of USD 12 per child, per night is applicable additionally. This tax is already calculated and included in the booking price for adults & if not included by, this will be additionally charged.
Hotel sells Bed & Breakfast, half board and premium all-inclusive meal plan rates on this platform, please ensure the desired correct meal plan is selected while confirming the booking. Meal plan inclusions are as follows:
Bed & Breakfast Meal Plan includes daily Breakfast at our Aqua Orange Buffet Style restaurant
Half Board Meal Plan includes daily Breakfast at our Aqua Orange Buffet Style restaurant. Dinner at our Aqua Orange Buffet Style Restaurant (or) a la carte dinner option at Grouper Seafood Restaurant or Roma Italian restaurant (Set Menu).
Note: Beverages are excluded for Bed & Breakfast and Half Board meal plan.
Signature Premium All Inclusive meal plan inclusion:-
- Breakfast: Enjoy a sparkling wine breakfast and extensive buffet selections at AQUA ORANGE from 07:00-10:00 Hrs
- Lunch-Dine Around Option: Buffet spread at AQUA ORANGE 12:30–14:30 and a selection of pizza, salad and light snacks at FRESH WATER 12:30–15:00
- Afternoon Tea: at CHEMISTRY BAR 15:30–17:30
- Dinner-Dine Around Option: extensive buffet at AQUA ORANGE 18:30–21:30, Alfresco dining by the beachside at GROUPER GRILL 19.00–22.00, enjoy exotic flavours at Mediterranean restaurant, ROMA at 19:00–22:00
- Advance reservation is required for à la carte restaurants for GROUPER GRILL & ROMA restaurant.
- Dining Around includes 3-course set menus with extensive options at GROUPER GRILL and ROMA.
- Unlimited selected beverages throughout all restaurants
- A selection of snacks
- Selected Excursions: local island excursion, lucky dolphin sunset cruise, guided Snorkelling
- Non-Motorized Water Sports:
- Complimentary half-hour group wind surf lesson per person per stay. (Subject to weather conditions and minimum of 4 persons per group)
- Free of charge snorkelling equipment’s
- Use of kayaks, stand-Up paddle boards and paddle boats.
- Motorized water sports
- Jet ski credit of USD 50 per adult per stay. (non-transferable and non-refundable)
Spa Credit:
- Enjoy a spa credit of USD 100 per adult per stay to be used for your spa treatment as an alternative to diving.
- Choose from our tailor-made spa menu for this special credit.
- Advance booking required. Non-applicable for salon and retail items.
- Spa credit will not be accumulated if left unused.
Diving Credit:
- Guests can enjoy up to 3 regular dives* per person per week as an alternative to Spa Credit.
- Guests must have a valid diving licence and medical records as per diving regulations.
- Boat charges and equipment fees are applicable.
Meet and greet at Velana International Airport and assist with transfer and international flights.
Complimentary VIP access to our lounge at seaplane terminal (arrivals only). Special welcome with refreshing towels and sparkling wine. (non-alcoholic beverages available upon request).
One complimentary shisha per suite per day available at fresh water only.
All suite types will be provided with 2 bottles of water (non-carbonated house brand) per day as well as
Tea & Coffee facilities.
Free Wi-Fi in main public areas and in all the suites.
Access to the recreation and fitness centre (including indoor and outdoor activities such as tennis, table tennis and other table games) and other scheduled regular evening entertainments for guests to enjoy.
Access to Kids Club for children between 4 and 12 years
Complimentary babysitting, service once per stay for 2 hours. 24 hours advance booking required for babysitting or dedicated childcare.
Chargeable baby sitting at USD 32 per hour.
The property can be reached by seaplanes:
-If booked for a minimum of consecutive 7 nights in any villa category on any meal plan, round trip seaplane transfers for 2 guests per booking will be on complementary basis.
-Terms and conditions are only applicable to bookings made from 1 June 2023 onwards ONLY.
-Please share your international flight details with the property reservations team at least 7 days before your arrival to secure your seat(s) for the seaplane transfer. Failure to provide the information may result in an increase in waiting time at the airport.
Transfer Charges details – Applicable on top of the booking price:
-The round-trip rates are (applicable from 1 November 2024):
• Adult: USD 490, round trip, inclusive of all taxes
• Child (2-11 years): USD 295, round trip, inclusive of all taxes
• Infant (0-1 years): Complimentary
Compulsory Festive Supplements for 2025 (Applicable if the travel date is falling into the below mentioned dates):
Compulsory Christmas Eve (24-Dec) Gala Supplement:
• Per Adult USD 500.00 (Above 12 years)
• Per Child (below 11.99 years) USD 250.00 (1st & 2nd Children on Complementary Basis & rates applicable from 3rd Child and above per room).
Compulsory New Year’s Eve (31-Dec) Gala Supplement:
• Per Adult US$ 500.00 (Above 12 years)
• Per Child (below 11.99 years) US$ 250.00 (1st & 2nd Children on Complementary Basis & rates applicable from 3rd Child and above per room).
Promotion Terms & Condition:
- To obtain the free transfers offers, a minimum of 7 consecutive nights must be booked, and the offer is valid for all meal plans and all villa types. The round-trip seaplane transfers will be free for 2 guests per room and for the additional guests, it will be at an additional cost.
- A maximum of two children below 11.99 years of age per room can stay and eat for free in a villa shared with two fully paying adults as per the booked meal plan. - However, green tax charge USD 06.00 per person per night and round-trip transfers for the children will be additionally chargeable.
The above offer is applicable to bookings made from 26 March 2024 only and the travel period for this offer will be till 31 October 2025.