Stayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum
Stayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum
Stayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum is located in the centre of Utrecht, on the edge of the Neude. 900 metres from Jaarbeurs Utrecht and 1 km from Railway Museum. There is a 24-hour front desk at the property. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant and breakfast is available against a surcharge. The hostel offers bunk beds in shared dormitories as well as private rooms. All rooms are equipped with a shower and toilet. The accommodation includes free WiFi access throughout the whole building. Bike hire is available at this hostel and the area is popular for cycling. Vredenburg is 400 metres from Stayokay Utrecht - Centrum, while Dom tower is 400 metres away. The hostel is about 40 minutes away from Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport, and is a 10-minute walk away from Utrecht Central Station.
Majutusasutuse erakordne asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,6.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Peretoad
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Restoran
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Baar
KestlikkusSellel majutusasutusel on 1 kolmanda osalise väljastatud kestlikkuse sertifikaat.
- HI-Q&S Certified
Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Som
„Room was comfortable. Other guests were very friendly. The ambience and facilities were upto the mark and cleanliness.” - Matilda
„Modern hostel, very central. I like the art work and overall it was a comfortable option for a night in Utrecht.” - Thomas
„Nice new rooms. Ended up having a whole four share dorm with its own ensuite to myself. Prefect central location. Lovely staff and adjoining restaurant. There was roof construction happening while I was there but the hostel offered a complimentary...” - Fleio
„At this point, I would like to mention the incredible handling of a situation by one of your employees when I informed her that I did not feel safe with a person staying at the hostel after they verbally harassed me. This employee, named Dalia,...” - Matthaios
„Excellent central location , helpful staff, nice and big room” - LLaurentino
„The location is perfect; the hostel is right in the center. There are so many bars around, and everything is within walking distance.” - Dave
„Centrally located, quiet, comfy bed, excellent breakfast” - Fares
„It was very nice location, with great and kind staff. The room was clean, and the condition was also good.” - Nicholas
„The location was perfect. Staff friendly and helpful.” - Mariëtte
„The location is excellent. Surprisingly enough, I could hear the sounds of a student town, but it was not too loud at night despite the central location. The beds were comfy enough for a hostel. The trunk/locker provided was large and easy to...”
Majutusasutuse ümbrus
RestoranidKohapeal 1 restoran
- The 5th
- KöökRahvusvaheline köök
- ÕhkkondPeresõbralik
- EridieedidTaimetoitlastele • Gluteenivaba
Majutusasutuses Stayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum pakutavad mugavused
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Peretoad
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Restoran
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Baar
- Privaatne vannituba
- Tualettruum
- Dušš
- Voodipesu
Mugavused toas
- Pistikupesa voodi lähedal
- RattarentLisatasu eest
- Otseülekanne spordiüritustest
- Rattasõit
Toit ja jook
- PuuviljadLisatasu eest
- Vein/šampanjaLisatasu eest
- LasteeinedLisatasu eest
- Eridieetide menüüd (taotluse alusel)
- Baar
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
ParkimineParkimine ei ole võimalik.
- Võimalik on arve saada
- Lukustatavad kapid
- Concierge-teenus
- Pagasihoid
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele
- Lauamängud/pusled
Puhastus- ja koristusteenused
- Igapäevane koristusteenus
- PesumajaLisatasu eest
- Tulekustutid
- Suitsuandurid
- Valvesignalisatsioon
- Ligipääs võtmekaardiga
- Seif
- Müügiautomaat (suupisted)
- Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
- Küte
- Toidupakk lõunaks
- Lift
- Peretoad
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Ülemistele korrustele pääseb liftiga
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- hollandi
Tähtis teadaStayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
3-aastastele ja vanematele lastele kehtivad selles majutusasutuses täiskasvanute hinnad.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Lubatud lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.
Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lisavoodid saadaval.
Lastevoodid olenevad saadavusest.

Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
From 07/01/2025 to 18/04/2025 (except in weekends), we will renovate our roof to improve our hostel and make it more sustainable. What does this mean for you? Although we do everything we can to minimize the inconvenience, you may experience some noise from time to time, especially between 08:00 and 15:00.
Please note that all guests must have a valid photo ID at check in.
Guests are requested to inform the property when children are coming along. Guests under the age of 18 can only stay in private room and must be accompanied by an adult (18+).
Guests aged 16 or 17 may also stay in a private room without being in the company of an adult, provided they can present a filled in consent form by their caretakers upon arrival at the hostel. Please send the hostel an email for the consent form.
Please note when booking a Double/Twin Room, it is possible that you will be staying in a 4 to 6 bed dorm. The remaining (bunk) beds will not be available for other guests.
Please note that all rooms are different. Not every room has an outside view. Specified preferences are subject to availability only.
Please note that the beds are not made, except for Comfort Double Rooms, but bed linen will be provided and guests are required to make their own bed upon arrival.
Towels are only included in Comfort Double Rooms and Family Rooms. Guests can bring their own towels or rent them at a surcharge of EUR 3.50 per towel.
Reservations (1 or more reservations under the same name) for 21 people or more per night are considered a group reservation
and different conditions apply.
Contact the hostel for more information. Stayokay reserves the right to cancel reservations (1 or more reservations under the same name) for 21 people or more per night.
Maximum length of stay is 7 nights. This also applies to multiple reservations totaling more than 7 nights.
This is a cashless accommodation. You can pay contactless and with all major bank and credit cards. It is not possible to pay with cash in our accommodation.
Sisseregistreerimisel tuleb külastajatel esitada kehtiv fotoga isikut tõendav dokument ja krediitkaart. Palun pane tähele, et erisoovide täitmist ei saa alati tagada ja need täidetakse vastavalt võimalustele sisseregistreerimisel ning nende täitmisel võivad kehtida lisatasud.
Palume majutusasutusele Stayokay Hostel Utrecht Centrum oma eeldatav saabumisaeg ette teatada. Saad oma saabumise aja kirjutada broneeringu tegemisel erisoovide väljale või võtta majutusasutusega otse ühendust, kasutades selleks oma broneeringu kinnituses olevaid kontaktandmeid.