V nastanitvi Townhouse Apartments Maastricht je morda na voljo Genius popust. Če želite preveriti, ali je za izbrane datume na voljo Genius popust, se vpišite.

Genius popusti v tej nastanitvi so odvisni od datumov opravljanja rezervacije, datumov bivanja in drugih razpoložljivih ponudb.

Zanesljive informacije:
Po mnenju gostov ima ta nastanitev verodostojen opis in fotografije.

These unique apartments in the centre of Maastricht offer spacious, trendy studios with extra long beds and free Wi-Fi. The Townhouse Apartments Maastricht is located just 200 metres away from Maastricht central Station. The apartments have a modern interior, combined with the high-quality materials and hand-picked design. All spacious apartments have a kitchenette, flat-screen TV, a spacious desk, seating area and a private bathroom with a built-in radio system. The apartments are equipped with a kitchenette that includes microwave oven, fridge, coffee/tea facilities and sink. The bed linen is made with anti-allergic materials. There is also a restaurant onsite. The 24-hour reception (at Townhouse Hotel) is always available for assistance and recommendations of cafés and restaurants nearby. Wellness facilities and a microgym is also available. Upon arrival, all guests receive a local discount card for discounts at various entrepreneurs in Maastricht.

Parom je še posebej všeč odlično lokacija – podali so ji oceno 9,0 za potovanja v dvoje.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Nastanitev, ki leži v najbolje ocenjenem predelu v mestu Maastricht, ima odlično oceno lokacije: 9,0

Informacije o zajtrku

Kontinentalni, Samopostrežni

Zasebno parkirišče v sklopu nastanitve

Prijavite se in prihranite

Če želite preveriti, ali lahko v tej nastanitvi prihranite 10 % ali več, se vpišite
Prijavite se in prihranite


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Vrsta nastanitve
Število gostov
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja
2 enojni postelji
1 raztegljiv kavč
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja
1 raztegljiv kavč
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja
1 raztegljiv kavč
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Komentarji gostov


Razmerje cena / kvaliteta
Brezplačen WiFi

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:

Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj

  • Kimberly
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    Got really a really nice room(much appreciated upgrade). Perfect location near trainstation, city centre short but beautiful walk. Friendly and helpful staff. The downstairs area is a great relaxing place with free coffee/tea and small snacks and...
  • Nicoletta
    Ciper Ciper
    The hotel is at a very central location (only a few steps from the central train station), and very easy to reach if arriving by train or bus. The neighbourhood where it is located is quiet and safe. The room we stayed in (a family apartment) was...
  • Svitlana
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    Very comfortable and quiet apartments for a family. Comfortable beds. There is everything you need. Near the station and the center. We really liked it with the children.
  • Kathleen
    Avstralija Avstralija
    Everything! Fabulous apartment, close to the train station. Easy walk to all parts of the city. We loved the coffee and soup, such a lovely homely touch. It was a lovely stay. 🥰
  • Yu
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    The location was great and loved their lounge. It was so hot outside so it was nice to have some cold drinks and tea before going back to the room.
  • Malik
    Belgija Belgija
    Friendly and helpfull staff, clean and spacious rooms right in the center
  • K
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    We got free coffee, soup, fruit. The room was clean and everything we needed was there, hair dryer, shampoo etc. Close to the trains and busses. Room to store luggage when you want to explore Maastricht and have to check out. Loved Wyck, and...
  • Sam
    Hong Kong Hong Kong
    Check in at the hotel opposite to the apartment which was convenient. After hours would be possible and as the location is 2 mins walk only from the train station, it is easy even with large luggage.
  • Sanja
    Norveška Norveška
    The staff was very helpful and super kind. Our room was exactly as promised and shown on the photos. And in addition there was a small stove top in the kitchen, which we found amazing, especially when travelling with a child. In the hotel just...
  • Sergio
    Ekvador Ekvador
    The common areas, the free tea and fruits, the rooms, everything was top

Podatki o gostitelju

Ocena gostitelja
Ocena gostitelja
The interior was designed by Sjoerd Jonkers of Puik Art and made by hand on the premises. Rooms are big enough to dance around your comfortable king-sized bed and to wander off to your bathroom past your workbench where you can make your own coffee
Traditional crafts, self-service and surprisingly spacious guestrooms together are the main ingredients of Hotel St. Martenslane, a craft hotel! You can check-in at our sister hotel right across the street where you’ll get a cup of soup at check-in.
The hotel is situated just outside the bustling city centre and at just 150 metres from Maastricht Central Station, you’ll never miss your train! Not tired yet? Everything is within reach: shops, restaurants, cafés and bars, museums... you name it.
Jeziki, ki jih v nastanitvi govorijo: nemščina,angleščina,francoščina,italijanščina,nizozemščina

Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve Townhouse Apartments Maastricht
Odlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.3

Najbolj priljubljene storitve

  • Zasebno parkirišče
  • Spa in wellness
  • Družinske sobe
  • Brezplačen WiFi
  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Postrežba v sobi
  • 24-urna recepcija
  • Dvigalo
  • Bar

Privatno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (potrebna je rezervacija) in stane € 18,50 na dan.

  • Parkirna garaža

Brezžična povezava je na voljo v hotelskih sobah brezplačno.


  • Posteljnina
  • Zelo dolge postelje (več kot 2m)


  • Toaletni papir
  • Brisače
  • Lastna kopalnica
  • WC
  • Brezplačen toaletni pribor
  • Sušilec za lase

Dnevna soba

  • Pisalna miza

Medijska in tehnološka oprema

  • TV z ravnim zaslonom
  • TV

Oprema v sobi

  • Vtičnica ob postelji
  • Obešalnik za oblačila
  • Leseni pod ali parket
  • Ogrevanje


  • Fitnes
  • Masaža telesa
  • Masaža glave
  • Masaža stopal
  • Masaža vratu
  • Masaža hrbta
  • Kopeli za stopala
  • Spa salon / sprostitveni kotiček
  • Spa ponudba
  • Masaža
  • Spa in wellness
  • Savna

Hrana in pijača

  • Pakirana kosila
  • Bar
  • Postrežba v sobi

Storitve in dodatno

  • Storitev bujenja


  • Izposoja koles

Recepcija s storitvami

  • Zasebna prijava/odjava
  • Shramba za prtljago
  • 24-urna recepcija

Storitve čiščenja

  • Kemična čistilnica

Poslovne zmogljivosti

  • Faks / fotokopiranje


  • Klimatizirano
  • Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
  • Dvigalo
  • Družinske sobe
  • Sobe za nekadilce


  • Gasilni aparati
  • Dimni alarm
  • Varnostni alarm
  • 24-urno varovanje
  • Sef

Pogovarjamo se lahko v:

  • nemščina
  • angleščina
  • francoščina
  • italijanščina
  • nizozemščina

Hišni red
Townhouse Apartments Maastricht sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

Od 15:00 do 00:00
Nastanitev morate vnaprej obvestiti o času prihoda.
Od 07:00 do 11:00
Odpoved / predplačila
Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
Otroci in ležišča

Pravila glede otrok

Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.

Za otroke, stare 3 leta in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.

Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.

Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

Starostna omejitev
Najnižja dovoljena starost za prijavo je 18
Pri rezervaciji več kot 5 sob lahko veljajo drugačna pravila in doplačila.
Sprejete vrste plačila
Kajenje ni dovoljeno.
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki niso dovoljeni.

Ključne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi

Please note: In case you book a non-refundable rate, you will receive a payment link from the hotel to make your reservation final. Credit card is not automatically charged once the reservation is confirmed, booker will have to complete the payment process via the payment link.

Please note that check-in takes place at Townhouse Hotel, located on Sint Maartenslaan 1-7.

Breakfast is also available at Townhouse Hotel.

Townhouse Apartments invests in various environmental sustainable solutions. Townhouse Apartments asks you for a small contribution, which on your confirmation is referred to as 'Environment Fee'.

When booking 5 rooms or more, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Please note that the property will send payment instructions once the booking is confirmed.

Please note that, in case you book a non-refundable reservation, you will receive a payment link from the hotel to make your reservation final. Credit card is not automatically charged once the reservation is confirmed, booker will have to complete the payment process via the payment link.

Ta nastanitev je navedla, da ne potrebuje dovoljenja oz. registracije za kratkotrajno oddajanje