Nastanitev 228Hostel se nahaja v mestu Al Ḩamrāʼ in ponuja brezplačen WiFi, brezplačno izposojo koles, skupni prostor za druženje ter teraso. V nekaterih enotah je na voljo skupna kopalnica z brezplačnim toaletnim priborom, ki vključuje bide, sušilec za lase in copate. Če želite raziskovati območje, se v okolici lahko podate na pohodništvo. Znamenitost utrdba Nizwa je 48 km od nastanitve 228Hostel. Letališče Muscat je 186 km stran, v nastanitvi pa vam lahko uredijo letališki prevoz za doplačilo.

Parom je posebej všeč lokacija – podali so ji oceno 9,0 za potovanja v dvoje.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Naj lokacija - Visoko ocenjena s strani nedavnih gostov (9,0)

Brezplačno zasebno parkirišče v sklopu nastanitve


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Komentarji gostov


Razmerje cena / kvaliteta
Brezplačen WiFi

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:

Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj

  • Sofiane
    Francija Francija
    Staying at this hostel was amazing, we really felt at home! The location is perfect with a lot of hikes, villages, wadi, to visit. Very welcoming and friendly, thanks !
  • Annamacu
    Avstrija Avstrija
    Mahmood, the owner is a rare, wonderful personality: gentle, intelligent, proactive, well informed, with a growth mindset. You get much more than a hostel bed, if you only can see and appreciate it. My main reason for staying in this hostel was...
  • María
    Reunion Reunion
    Mahmood is an amazing host. Location is perfect! We shared tips with us and the vibe at the hostel was very nice. Thank you
  • Ivana
    Češka republika Češka republika
    Al Hamra is the place that you should not miss. Mahmood is great host and great guide. He provides you recommendations and all the needed information for hiking in the mountains and for the trips around.
  • Jana
    Češka republika Češka republika
    Great location just under the mountains. You can chill or observe stars, sunrise or sunset from the rooftop.
  • Corinna
    Nemčija Nemčija
    Very easy going, relaxed hostel. Good location for trips into the mountains.
  • Patrick
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    Mahmood is very nice and kind person. It’s a very nice place with a nice vieuw on the roof. I went on a long hike on jebel shams and it was amazing!
  • Alejandra
    Argentina Argentina
    I took a bed in a shared dormitory. Very comfortable, clean and big space there. The place also has a lovely sitting area and a kitchen. Everything so nice and clean. Mahmood, the owner, was very welcoming and helpful and we had along with other...
  • Michal
    Češka republika Češka republika
    The host was great, helpful and friendly. After my tiring hike took me to the restaurant by car and next day much further (to Bahla) than the standard drop-off point. He was also very knowledgeable about hiking routes. There is also a lot if...
  • Michal
    Češka republika Češka republika
    The host was great, helpful and friendly. After my tiring hike took me to the restaurant by car and next day much further (to Bahla) than the standard drop-off point. He was also very knowledgeable about hiking routes. There is also a lot if...

Gostitelj: Mahmood

Ocena gostitelja
Ocena gostitelja
The hostel, it is small, with only 3 rooms and with a shared kitchen and living room. You can meet people from all over the world. There is free coffee, tea and a (6 stage) filtered (drinkable) water. You can use the full equipped kitchen, included the top 3 levels in the fridge. Please feel as it is your home. -Room 1 - Double room with Mountain view: The room is spacious and has a view of the highest peak mountain in the Middle East, and the second deepest Grand Canyon in the world, you can see sunrise in the morning from this room. - Room 2 - Budget twin room: The room has mountain view with sunset and main road. -Room 3 - Dormitory Room): The room has mountain view with sunset and main road. All room have air conditioning, fan, heating, (USB) charger. On the second floor, there is a rooftop, from where you can enjoy stunning views over the mountains. Perfect for sunrise and sunset. At the back of the hostel you can see the summit of Shebel Shams, the highest mountain of Oman. There is free WIFI, the password you can scan, the QR code is on the information board in the living room. There is adult bicycle, you can use for free to cycle around in the village. Payment is only in cash 💵.
I am Mahmood, your host, born and raised in Al Hamra (Oman). In January 2022 I opened 228 Hostel, because I love to meet people from other countries and to learn and talk about other countries. As a host I love to make you feel at home and give the best service, so you will have a good time at 228 Hostel and make the best holiday memories. I live in the hostel as well, you can ask me all kind of things about Oman, about activities to do around Al Hamra, your next plans, culture, traditions, food, Muslim religion or anything you are interested in. 228 Hostel on social media: Follow me to see attractions and surrounding of the area near the hostel. - Instagram: mahmood2oman - YouTube: mahmood2oman
The location of the hostel is great to explore the surrounded mountains and nature, for hiking and camping. There are many other highlights to explore in the surrounding, like the oldest mud town in Oman: old Al Hamra, the magical Misfat al Abriyeen, the fort of Bahla and Jibreen castle. There is a souq you can visit and a pottery factory. In the center of Al Hamra there are restaurants and grocery shops, ATM and fuel station. ATTRACTIONS NEARBY - Dovia Valley 1 min. / 800 meter. - Ghul Valley 4 min. / 3.4 km. - Valley Necrosis 11 min. / 7.9 km. - Old Al Hamra village 12 min. / 6.3 km. - Bait Al Safah museum 12 min. / 6.3 km. - Misfat Al Abriyeen 21 min. / 12 km. - Al-Hoota Cave 20 min. / 12 km. - Bahla pottery factory 20 min. / 20 km. - Bahla fort 23 min. / 23 km. - Tanuf castle 28 min. / 31 km. - Jibreen castle 35 min. / 32 km. - Jebel Shams / Grand Canyon / Balcony walk 1:07 hour / 39 km. - Nizwa Fort 41 min. / 48 km. - Nizwa souq / goat and animal market 41 min. / 48 km. - There are many hiking trails around the hostel: (w6a,w6,w4,w9,w10h,w8).
Jezika, ki ju v nastanitvi govorijo: arabščina,angleščina

Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve 228Hostel
Odlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.7

Najbolj priljubljene storitve

  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Letališki prevoz
  • Brezplačno parkiranje
  • Družinske sobe

Na prostem

  • Terasa za sončenje
  • Terasa


  • Skupna kuhinja

Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni po predhodni odobritvi. Brezplačno.


  • Izposoja koles
  • Pohodništvo

Hrana in pijača

  • Kavarna v sklopu nastanitve
  • Bar s prigrizki

Dober brezplačen WiFi 20 Mbps. Primeren je za pretakanje vsebin HD in opravljanje videoklicev. Test hitrosti je izvedel gostitelj.

Brezplačno privatno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni potrebna).

    Recepcija s storitvami

    • Račun na zahtevo
    • Shramba za prtljago
    • Organizacija izletov

    Zabava in storitve za družine

    • Notranja igralnica
    • Družabne igre / sestavljanke

    Storitve čiščenja

    • Storitev likanja
    • Pralnica perila

    Poslovne zmogljivosti

    • Faks / fotokopiranje


    • Gasilni aparati
    • Dimni alarm
    • Varnostni alarm
    • Dostop s ključem


    • Storitev prevoza
    • Skupen salon/TV
    • Poseben prostor za kadilce
    • Klimatizirano
    • Ogrevanje
    • Zvočno izolirane sobe
    • Družinske sobe
    • Letališki prevoz
    • Sobe za nekadilce

    Pogovarjamo se lahko v:

    • arabščina
    • angleščina

    Hišni red
    228Hostel sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

    Od 14:00 do 21:00
    Nastanitev morate vnaprej obvestiti o času prihoda.
    Od 06:00 do 11:00
    Odpoved / predplačila
    Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
    Otroci in ležišča

    Pravila glede otrok

    Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.

    Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.

    Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

    V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

    Brez starostnih omejitev
    Za prijavo ni starostnih omejitev
    Hišni ljubljenčki
    Brezplačno!Hišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni po predhodni odobritvi nastanitve. Brezplačno.
    Samo gotovina
    Nastanitev sprejema le plačila v gotovini.
    Nočni mir
    Gostje ne smejo kaliti nočnega miru med 21:00 in 06:00.

    Ključne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi

    Nastanitev 228Hostel vnaprej obvestite o predvidenem času prihoda. To lahko med rezervacijo vpišete v okence za posebne zahteve ali pa kontaktirate nastanitev. Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v potrditvi rezervacije.

    Nočni mir velja med 21:00:00 in 06:00:00.