Casa Andina Premium Puno
Casa Andina Premium Puno
- Pogled na jezero
- Hišni ljubljenčki dovoljeni
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Kad
- 24-urna recepcija
- Dostop s kartičnim ključem
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Sef
- Shramba za prtljago
V nastanitvi Casa Andina Premium Puno je morda na voljo Genius popust. Če želite preveriti, ali je za izbrane datume na voljo Genius popust, se vpišite.
Genius popusti v tej nastanitvi so odvisni od datumov opravljanja rezervacije, datumov bivanja in drugih razpoložljivih ponudb.
Situated in Puno, this 4-star hotel features a restaurant which has an expansive glass wall with stunning views of the lake and garden. Free WiFi is available throughout the property. The rooms at Casa Andina Premium Puno have panoramic views of the lake or mountains. Offering a blend of historic décor and stylish furnishings, each room is fitted with a satellite TV. The restaurant, Alma, serves delicious local specialties and seafood dishes, made fresh with fish from Lake Titicaca. Casa Andina Premium Puno pampers guests with exclusive facilities such as a private pier.
Parom je posebej všeč lokacija – podali so ji oceno 8,7 za potovanja v dvoje.
Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Letališki prevoz
- Družinske sobe
- Spa in wellness
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
- Restavracija
- Bar
Prijavite se in prihranite

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:
Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj
- Sandra
Velika Britanija
“Great location with lovely views over Lake Titicaca . Nice bar area with log fire” - Carmen
“Everyone working there is so mindful of making guests feel welcome and great!” - Michael
“It’s always nice at Casa andina… location, rooms, service. Special thanks to Mirian at reception for being so helpful.” - Michael
“It’s always nice at Casa andina… location, rooms, service. Special thanks to Mirian at reception for being so helpful.” - Babita
“Excellent staff especially Miriam at front desk who helped us with all our requirements. Late check out, taxis etc. Food at Alma Restaurant was amazing. Overall entire staff was so courteous & friendly.” - Ron
“This was a nice property. We never had a meal other than the included breakfast in the dining room but it was good. They seemed to have a good variety and had eggs made to order. Nice coffee machine that dispensed several options for your...” - Isabelle
Velika Britanija
“Beautiful private boardwalk onto the lake with a floating reed platform at the end of it. I would recommend you to stay here just to walk on it!” - Hans-steffen
“Sehr schöne Lage am See. Sehr freundliches und mitdenkendes Personal. Große und schnelle Hilfe bei der Buchung von Ausflüge und Bestellung von Taxis. Sehr gute Zimmer.” - Axel
“Sehr freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal, das unsere Aktivitäten und unsere sehr frühe Abreise perfekt organisiert hat. Traumhafte Lage direkt am See. Das Frühstück ist umfangreich und schön dargeboten. Der Gartenbereich ist sehr gepflegt.” - Dennis
“Las habitaciones y servicios adicionales que se tiene”
Okolica hotela
Restavracije1 restavracija v sklopu nastanitve
- Alma Bar & Grill
- Odprto zaZajtrk • Kosilo • Večerja • Popoldanska malica • Pozen večer
- VzdušjeTradicionalno • Romantično
- Posebne dietevegetarijanska • brez glutena • brez mlečnih izdelkov
Storitve nastanitve Casa Andina Premium PunoOdlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 9
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Letališki prevoz
- Družinske sobe
- Spa in wellness
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
- Restavracija
- Bar
- Toaletni papir
- Brisače
- Lastna kopalnica
- Brezplačen toaletni pribor
- Kopalni plašč
- Sušilec za lase
- Kad
- Prha
- Garderoba ali omara
- Budilka
Na prostem
- Terasa
- Grelnik vode
Hišni ljubljenčkiHišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni. Morda je potrebno doplačilo.
Dnevna soba
- Pisalna miza
Medijska in tehnološka oprema
- TV z ravnim zaslonom
- Kabelski programi
- Telefon
Hrana in pijača
- Sadje
- Vino/šampanjecDoplačilo
- Otroški obroki
- Bar s prigrizki
- Zajtrk v sobi
- Bar
- Minibar
Internet Brezžična povezava je na voljo v celotnem hotelu brezplačno.
ParkiriščeBrezplačno javno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (potrebna je rezervacija).
- Parkirišče na ulici
Recepcija s storitvami
- Oskrbnik
- Bankomat
- Shramba za prtljago
- Organizacija izletov
- Menjalnica
- 24-urna recepcija
Storitve čiščenja
- Storitev likanjaDoplačilo
- Pralnica perilaDoplačilo
- Gasilni aparati
- CCTV zunaj nastanitve
- CCTV v skupnih prostorih
- Dimni alarm
- Varnostni alarm
- Dostop s kartičnim ključem
- Dostop s ključem
- 24-urno varovanje
- Sef
- Posode za hrano za hišne ljubljenčke
- Košara za hišne ljubljenčke
- Primerno za alergike
- Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
- Soba za alergike
- Storitev bujenja
- Zvočna izolacija
- Zaseben vhod
- Pakirana kosila
- Zvočno izolirane sobe
- Ogrevanje
- Družinske sobe
- Letališki prevozDoplačilo
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
- Senčnik za na plažo
- Spa in wellnessDoplačilo
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
- angleščina
- španščina
Hišni redCasa Andina Premium Puno sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!
Pravila glede otrok
Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.
Za otroke, stare 13 let in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.
Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.
Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč
V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

PodrobnostiKljučne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi
Price does not include a 10% service charge. According to Peruvian legislation, persons domiciled in Peru will be subject to payment of 18% Sales Tax (IGV) at Check-In time at our Hotels.
A valid identity document must be presented at the time of registration. This property does not admit the entry of children under 18 without the company of their parents, guardian or guardian duly accredited, in accordance with Law No. 30802. All children under 18 years of age must have an DNI or passport to be identified.
Dogs with a maximum weight of 18 kilos are admitted with an additional cost of US $ 49.00 per night.
- Only two dogs per room will be admitted
- During your stay, your pet may make use, on loan terms, of: dog bed, food plate and mat. Restrictions and enquiries to be consulted directly at hotel.
In accordance with Peru's fiscal regulations, Peruvian citizens (and foreigners staying over 59 days in Peru) are required to pay 18% sales tax. To be exempt from paying the 18% sales tax, guests must present a copy of their immigration card and of their passport.
It is necessary to present both documents in order to qualify for sales tax payment exemption. Otherwise, guests will have to pay the indicated tax. This tax is applicable in the case of rooms shared by guests who have to pay the sales tax and guests exempt from paying the sales tax.
Foreign business guests who request a printed invoice are also required to pay 18% sales tax, regardless of the length of their stay in Peru. This tax is not automatically included in the total amount of the reservation.
Group Policy: We will charge 50% of the rooms for reservations of 5 or more rooms at time of reservation.
Nessus Hoteles Peru SA
RUC: 20505670443
Gostje morajo ob prijavi pokazati veljaven osebni dokument s sliko in kreditno kartico. Upoštevajte, da so vse posebne zahteve odvisne od razpoložljivosti in da bo zanje morda potrebno doplačilo.