Backpackers Stories by Old Hunza Inn
Backpackers Stories by Old Hunza Inn
Sulle võib majutusasutuses Backpackers Stories by Old Hunza Inn kehtida Genius-soodustus. Kui soovid teada, kas sinu valitud kuupäevadeks on Genius-soodustus saadaval, logi sisse.
Genius-soodustused selles majutusasutuses olenevad broneerimiskuupäevadest, peatumiskuupäevadest ja muudest saadaval olevatest pakkumistest.
Aia ja terrassiga majutusasutus Backpackers Stories by Old Hunza Inn asub Hunzas. Hotellis on peretoad. Ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtu töötajad valdavad inglise, jaapani, urdu ja hiina keelt. Lähim lennujaam on Gilgiti lennujaam, mis jääb 97 km kaugusele.
Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,1.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Lennujaamatransport (tasuta)
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Tasuta parkimine
- Peretoad
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Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Amna
„The views from this hotel are awesome. You can read other backpacker's scribbles under the glass top of two coffee tables overlooking the grand, snow covered mountains. The staff is very helpful. Since I stayed there off season, they gave me a lot...” - Elżbieta
„The view was breathtaking both from the restaurant and the room terrace. Amazing staff, great owner. The host is very helpful and can arrange trips. Upon arrival we were served tea - a really nice accent from the beginning, There is a restaurant...” - Matjaž
„Great location, nice garden, rooftop terace, stylish dinningroom.” - Anna
„The view was amazing and the location perfect to explore Hunza. Room and bathroom were clean and shower good. .” - Luke
„The hotel/hostel is great! Clean, comfortable and the staff are amazing. The lounge area looks over the valley and the restaurant there has great food! You could sit there for days! The rooftop also offers a great place to relax.” - Bilal
„Excellent location with beautiful views. The owners Liaquat bhai and Ali bhai plus all the staff are super helpful and supportive. Had a very pleasant stay.” - Bashir
„The hospitality of the owner and staff, they focused on our comfort, gave complimentary tea, a warm welcome, a bery rare thing these days.” - Szilard
„the best hotel in Pakistan with stunning view. the owner and the staff are super friendly and helpful. the hotel is super clean, the food is amazing. thank you for everything 👍” - Clothilde
„This hostel is an absolute gem! It is the best value for money you could find for backpackers accommodation in Hunza, if not in all of Pakistan. The view from the dining room is amazing, with views on Rakaposhi and Diran peaks. There is strong...” - Noémie
„Very decent and comfortable room within a backpacker's budget. The bed is comfortable and the room big enough. The rest of the property is so beautiful: really nice lounge, rooftop terrace, and the most amazing view of the valley. The staff and...”
Hotelli ümbruskond
Majutusasutuses Backpackers Stories by Old Hunza Inn pakutavad mugavusedSuurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 8.3
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Lennujaamatransport (tasuta)
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Tasuta parkimine
- Peretoad
- Terrass
- Aed
LemmikloomadLemmikloomad on lubatud. Lisatasu puudub.
Internet Internetiühendus puudub.
ParkimineTasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (vajalik eelnev broneerimine).
- Lennujaamatransport
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Peretoad
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- jaapani
- urdu
- hiina
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