Hotel Albuquerque At Old Town
Hotel Albuquerque At Old Town
V nastanitvi Hotel Albuquerque At Old Town je morda na voljo Genius popust. Če želite preveriti, ali je za izbrane datume na voljo Genius popust, se vpišite.
Genius popusti v tej nastanitvi so odvisni od datumov opravljanja rezervacije, datumov bivanja in drugih razpoložljivih ponudb.
Located off Interstate 40, this luxury Albuquerque hotel features on-site gourmet dining and rooms with free WiFi and a cable TV. The Albuquerque Zoo is 3.5 km away. A work desk, coffee maker and seating area are provided in all rooms at the Hotel Albuquerque At Old Town. Most rooms boast a private balcony. Mexican and American dishes are served in the restaurant and cantina, Garduño's. The stylish QBar and historic landmark-turned nightclub, Casa Esencia, offer a full bar and live entertainment. The Hotel Albuquerque features an outdoor pool, a relaxing hot tub and a fitness centre. In-room massages can be requested at the 24-hour front desk. The New Mexico Museum of Natural History is a 7-minute walk from this hotel, and Puerto Del Sol Golf Course is a 12-minute drive away. Albuquerque International Airport is 14 km from the hotel.
Parom je še posebej všeč odlično lokacija – podali so ji oceno 9,4 za potovanja v dvoje.
Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Zunanji bazen
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Fitnes center
- Prilagojeno invalidnim gostom
- Restavracija
- 24-urna recepcija
- Postrežba v sobi
- Bar
Prijavite se in prihranite

Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve
Vrsta sobe | Število gostov | |
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja | ||
2 zakonski postelji | ||
2 zakonski postelji | ||
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja | ||
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja | ||
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja | ||
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja | ||
2 zakonski postelji |
Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:
Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj
- Brian
“We stayed at this hotel twice on a recent trip to the US. We were so pleased with the location (near Old Town), the friendliness of the staff, and the cleanliness and comfort of the room that we altered our plans so that we could stay here on our...” - Brian
“Only a few minutes walk from Old Town, the location of this hotel could not be better. The room was clean, spacious, and comfortable, and provided an excellent view of the Sandia Mountains. The staff were friendly, helpful, and courteous. Overall,...” - Joanne
Nova Zelandija
“Staff friendly, good location and clean facilities” - David
Velika Britanija
“I was very impressed with the staff at Hotel Albuquerque… who were welcoming, efficient and helpful…. A particular mention to Diana on the front desk who was very patient and kind The rooms are large and the air conditioning very necessary as...” - Mariana
“Nice location, historic building hotel. Close to old town with lots of shops and places to eat . Pillows not comfortable at all, in a 4 star hotel they must provide feather pillows too. Carpet very old and can’t be cleaned nicely.” - Barbara
“Great location, lovely hotel, gorgeous outdoor area. I do think it is time for more updates to truly take it to the next level.” - Amanda
Velika Britanija
“We stayed at the end of a roadtrip as a treat from staying in motels. The quality of room, comfort and décor was very high. Plenty of free parking. Pool was a good size for swimming. It was more money than elsewhere but it was a nice place.” - Sophia
Velika Britanija
“Great access to old town. Very friendly staff and very knowledgable.” - MMark
“Front desk was very accommodating for a last minute request for a late check out because of a delayed flight. They couldn’t have been nicer about it! Beautiful hotel and great location, too!” - Balazs
“Great hotel, well staffed, good services, nice bar and restaurant, great breakfast”
Okolica hotela
Restavracije1 restavracija v sklopu nastanitve
- Garduño's at Old Town
- Vrsta kulinarikemehiška
- Odprto zaZajtrk • Kosilo • Večerja
Storitve nastanitve Hotel Albuquerque At Old TownOdlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.8
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Zunanji bazen
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Fitnes center
- Prilagojeno invalidnim gostom
- Restavracija
- 24-urna recepcija
- Postrežba v sobi
- Bar
Na prostem
- Terasa za sončenje
- Terasa
- Vrt
Hišni ljubljenčkiHišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni. Morda je potrebno doplačilo.
- Nočni klub / DJ
Hrana in pijača
- Bar
- Restavracija
Internet Brezžična povezava je na voljo v hotelskih sobah brezplačno.
ParkiriščeBrezplačno javno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni potrebna).
Recepcija s storitvami
- Oskrbnik
- Bankomat
- Shramba za prtljago
- Organizacija izletov
- 24-urna recepcija
Poslovne zmogljivosti
- Faks / fotokopiranje
- Poslovni center
- Prostori za sestanke in pogostitve
- Posode za hrano za hišne ljubljenčke
- Klimatizirano
- Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
- Ogrevanje
- Kapela / svetišče
- Dvigalo
- Prilagojeno invalidnim gostom
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
Zunanji bazen
- Sezonski
- Vroča kopel / Jacuzzi
- Masaža
- Fitnes center
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
- angleščina
Hišni redHotel Albuquerque At Old Town sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!
Pravila glede otrok
Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.
Za otroke, stare 18 let in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.
Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.
Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč
Cene za otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso vključene v skupno ceno. Zanje plačate posebej med bivanjem v nastanitvi.
Število dovoljenih otroških postelj in dodatnih ležišč je odvisno od možnosti, ki jo izberete. Za več informacij preverite možnost, ki ste jo izbrali.
Vse otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča so odvisna od razpoložljivosti.

PodrobnostiKljučne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi
Please note, guests under the age of 21 are only allowed to check in with a parent or official guardian. However, guests with a valid Military ID and proof of Active Duty Status may check in at the age of 18.
Gostje morajo ob prijavi pokazati veljaven osebni dokument s sliko in kreditno kartico. Upoštevajte, da so vse posebne zahteve odvisne od razpoložljivosti in da bo zanje morda potrebno doplačilo.