ibis Lyon Carre De Soie 位在沃昂夫蘭,距離 LDLC Arena 5.4 公里,有共用休息室、私人停車位、露台和酒吧。這間 3 星級飯店提供 24 小時接待櫃檯、禮賓服務和 WiFi(免費)。這間住宿全面禁菸,距離安盟體育場(Groupama Stadium) 5.5 公里。 ibis Lyon Carre De Soie... 位置很好 干净整洁 服务很棒
Situated a 4-minute drive from Meyzieu and 25 km from the centre of Lyon, ibis Lyon Est Meyzieu offers accommodation with a lounge bar and a terrace. best location if you are there for business trip with any company around that area. quite and clean room with good restaurant.
2區 - 半島區, 里昂
ibis Lyon Centre Perrache 飯店位於里昂市中心的半島區,是一棟裝飾藝術(art-deco)風格的建築。飯店距離白萊果廣場步行 5 分鐘,並提供酒吧及免費 WiFi。 客房皆配有空調和液晶電視,可收看衛星頻道。 館內每日供應自助式早餐,菜色包括蛋、優格及果汁等甜食與鹹食。住宿也供應新鮮烘焙的糕點、現烤法式瑪德蓮蛋糕,並有熱飲與 1 份水果可供外帶。如非一般早餐時段,住宿自... 酒店就在火车站和地铁站旁边,是一个交通枢纽站。前台人员非常热情。
7區 - 熱爾蘭, 里昂
這家酒店坐落在里昂(Lyon)的Guerland商業區內,提供免費WiFi、24小時前台、1間酒吧和私人停車場,距離Guerland Stadium體育場200米,距離Confluences Museum博物館有5分鐘車程。 ibis Lyon Gerland Merieux酒店的每間空調客房均提供電話、1台帶Canal+頻道的液晶電視以及1間私人浴室。... Quite area, 2min walk to the Metro
Located just a 20-minute drive from the centre of Lyon, ibis Lyon Est Chaponnay offers a 24-hour reception, restaurant with a terrace and luggage storage. It was a brief stay but our rooms were perfect and had an interconnecting door, which for parents is great. Thank you.
Located 6 km south from the centre of Lyon, ibis Lyon Sud Oullins is an eco-friendly hotel located on the banks of the Rhône River. It's a pretty and well designed hotel and we felt well taken care of.
3區 - 巴蒂區, 里昂
ibis Lyon Part Dieu Les Halles酒店位于里昂的第3区,在Halles de Lyon - Paul Bocuse室内食品市场所在的街道对面。 所有客房均禁烟,提供免费WiFi、平板电视、空调,以及带免费洗浴用品、吹风机和淋浴的私人浴室。部分客房适合行动不便的客人入住。... Basic clean hotel near the train station
iibis Lyon Caluire Cité Internationale酒店位于Caluire et Cuire,距离Cité Internationale 会议中心有10分钟的步行路程,提供带酒吧的住宿和24小时前台,设有覆盖各处的免费WiFi。 所有客房均配有空调和平板电视,私人浴室配有淋浴。... Very simple setting and just what we needed for a couple nights. AC was definitely a plus. Rooms were very comfortable.
3區 - 巴蒂區, 里昂
ibis Lyon Gare Part Dieu酒店位于里昂(Lyon)市中心,距离Part Dieu购物中心仅有200米,距离Têted'Or Park公园有2公里。酒店提供酒吧、餐厅和免费WiFi。 隔音客房配有空调、平板电视、电话以及收音机。每间客房设有一间带浴缸或淋浴和吹风机的私人浴室。... 距离火车站不太远不行可以到达,火车站附近多少有一点点乱,但酒店周围很安全感觉不错。酒店大厅很大,有可以休闲的地方,前台一直有人,这点很好。房间空间还可以,隔音好。
Hotel ibis Lyon Est Bron is located in Bron, 10 minutes' drive from Eurexpo Lyon and 7 km from Part Dieu Business Centre. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi internet access, private parking and a terrace. The staff was great they made sure we are all happy to stay there.