Borowinowy Zdrój Hotel Wellness Spa & Conference is located among picturesque surroundings of Knyszyńska Forest and offers classically decorated rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel has a spa centre.
Located in the middle of Puszcza Knyszyńska Landscape Park, Hotel Lipowy includes a mansion, a restaurant, a recreational area and a hotel building with free Wi-Fi in the rooms.
Hotel Supraśl is located in Supraśl, a quiet town surrounded by the Knyszyń Primeval Forest. This 3-star hotel offers accommodation in elegant air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi.
庭の景色を望むDomek Leśny Cud koło Supraśla - Cisza i Spokójは季節限定の屋外プールとバルコニーを提供する宿泊施設で、ジュラシックパークまで約17kmです。このカントリーハウスでは、専用プール、庭、バーベキュー施設、無料WiFi、無料専用駐車場を提供しています。...