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Peatu regiooni Luxor Governorate parimates hotellides!

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Sonesta St. George Hotel - Convention Center 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas East bank

Located in the heart of Luxor with stunning Nile views, Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor offers contemporary accommodations, free Wi-Fi, a serene health spa, and a fine dining restaurant. This is a stunning hotel located in the heart of Luxor, close to the major museums and temples. All the staff are very friendly and speak English very well. I was especially impressed with the receptionists Nardine and Catherine. I learnt that the Sonesta brand places emphasis on technological amenities and I had a really enjoyable jacuzzi/shower hybrid in my bathroom. The hotel boasts a great restaurant on the Nile which serves great food and the best hibiscus tea. I haven’t stayed in other hotels in Luxor but I would have a hard time betting against the Sonesta being the best hotel in Luxor.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
3 556 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 1 128
öö kohta

Pavillon Winter Luxor 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas East bank

Pavillon Winter Luxor offers 3 restaurants, 2 bars, and warm hospitality in the heart of Luxor city. It overlooks the River Nile and is just 100 metres away from the Luxor Temple. Loved this place a quiet oasis. Perfect to relax

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
1 671 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 825
öö kohta

Steigenberger Nile Palace Luxor - Convention Center 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas East bank

This Steigenberger hotel is situated in the heart of Luxor and provides modern accommodation with stunning views of the Nile. The spacious rooms are air conditioned and feature satellite TV. the view the staff and the atmosphere

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
3 963 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 1 230
öö kohta

The Temple Hotel & Spa Luxor 4 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas East bank

The Temple Hotel & Spa Luxor asub Luxoris ning kohapeal on välibassein, spordikeskus, restoran ja baar. Selles neljatärnihotellis on tasuta WiFi-ühendus, toateenindus ja ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt. Spotless and spacious rooms, comfortable beds. The pool was amazing as well.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
188 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 467
öö kohta

Luxor Old Nile Hotel

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Luxor Old Nile Hotel pakub restorani, baari, aeda ja eraranda Luxoris. Majutusasutuses on ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja parkimiskoht. Location is good,staff is friendly and fun

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488 arvustust

Spring Hotel Luxor

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Spring Hotel Luxor asub Luxori läänekalda piirkonnas, 3,4 km kaugusel Memnoni Colossi kirikust, 4,5 km kaugusel Medinet Habu templist ja 4,8 km kaugusel Deir el-Medinast. Omanik ja personal väga toredad

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
450 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 272
öö kohta

El Nakhil Hotel 3 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Hotell El Nakhil asub Luxoris, 3 km kaugusel Memnoni Colossist. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja terrass. Even tho I spent just 1 night at the Hotel, they made sure I had the best time possible, and treated me not like a guest but more like a personal friend! :) Before I go I asked them if they had any tours of their own around Luxor, and what they did was actually a personalized tour, they made the whole itinerary themselves and sent it to me their suggestion, after a few adjustments, I quickly had a full day around Luxor organized for me! :D Even tho I had a late check-in, the very friendly Abdallah (the manager and same person who organized my tour) was waiting for me at the reception where I was welcomed with some tea. I did not had many hours to sleep since I had booked a Hot Air Balloon tour for 5am, but they made sure that at 4.30am while I was waiting for the tour van to pick me up that one of the reception staff would be waiting for me with some coffee. :) Once I finished the balloon tour I came back to the Hotel at around 7am, where I had their very good breakfast in the very big open balcony where they serve their meals. From there, I would start the tour organized by them around Luxor, where they first drove me to Kings Valley, after that we agreed it would be best for me to comeback to the Hotel, relax a little bit and have lunch before going to all other places. This means that even tho I had to check out that same day, they allowed me to stay longer in the room, past check out time. For lunch they had prepared more food then I could eat haha, they have a very good restaurant 👍 Afterwards they drove me through the rest of the tour to all other temples, and by the end of the day when I was done they even took me to the airport! Honestly I could be happier on how friendly and helpful they were to make sure I had the best time possible in Luxor! Thank you 🙏🏽 my friend Abdallah, for your so friendly hospitality.

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155 arvustust

Jewel Howard Carter Hotel

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Luksuslik hotell Jewel Howard Carter asub Luxoris. Avalikes kohtades on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Luxori tempel on 2,2 km kaugusel. Mõnel majutusruumil on privaatne terrass ja köök. So Kind people, and how they care about your staying and if you needed anything they help you from their hearts, even they help you if you need anything outside the Hotel they provide it to you ( car, trip for see all luxur, Air balloons trips ...etc ) . The place was so clean and everything was excellent all the facilities were clean and new, and thanks for the beautiful hostility ♥️ They were so helpful and kind, Big love for the crew in the Hotel and for the people of luxor ♥️ In the end thanks to Mr. Saed and Mohamed for making our staying more Comfortable and easy ♥️

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
606 arvustust

Nour El Balad

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Nour El Balad asub Luxoris Madinet Habou templi kõrval. WiFi-ühendus on samuti saadaval. Hotell pakub palmisalus paiknevaid mudast tellistest maju, kus on hubased ja traditsioonilised toad. Nour el Balad is an absolute gem tucked away from all the crowds. The guesthouse is a traditionally built home with lovely little details and decorations everywhere, and palm furniture including the beds. The breakfast included is delicious, but make sure to stay for lunch or dinner — the roast duck and molokhiya are absolutely outstanding! Luxor’s restaurant scene isn’t amazing and we ended up eating dinner at Nour al Balad every night of our week-long stay. Abdullah and his team offer warm hospitality and can also help with transfers and taxis as needed. We have stayed there twice now and can’t wait to return!!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
148 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 156
öö kohta

Al Baeirat Hotel

Hotell sihtkohas Luxor, piirkonnas West bank

Hotell Al Baeirat asub Niiluse kaldal ning seda ümbritsevad maastikukujundusega aiad. Kohapeal on bassein, ostuarkaad ja ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt, kus pakutakse triikimisteenust. Relaxed atmosphere, clean and spacious rooms. The staff, the pool, the free biat ride… everything was perfect in this bohemian like hotel. Very charming!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
201 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 443
öö kohta

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Hotellid regioonis Luxor Governorate , mida saad broneerida krediitkaardita

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