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Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Sea Gate Resort asub Sowaymas, 22 km kaugusel Jordani värava tornidest ja Zahrani paleest. Kohapeal on erarand, tasuta WiFi-ühendus kogu majutusasutuses ning tasuta eraparkla. We stayed one night at Sea Gate Resort and wished we could have stayed longer! The beautiful villa was impeccable, it is spacious, modern, and well-equipped. It included a kitchen with cookware and tableware, an outdoor barbecue area, and a heated infinity pool. We also enjoyed our music using their Bluetooth speakers. The staff was incredibly friendly, especially Suleiman and Mahmud. Suleiman helped us to arrange transport to the Salt Beach and Mahmud, the lifeguard accompanied us to the resort's private beach for floating and mud experience. Mahmud was very gentle and humorous, we had an unforgettable fun experience filled with laughter, fresh water and bath towels were also provided, which was a thoughtful touch. The resort is currently expanding its facilities, adding a restaurant, a public pool, and more villas.
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Russian Pilgrim Residence asub Sowaymas, 2 km kaugusel Bethany Beyond the Jordanist. Kohapeal on aed, tasuta eraparkla, ühine puhkeruum ja terrass. I so wish we had booked to stay for 2 nights instead of 1. This guesthouse is in a restricted area, due to its proximity to the Palestine border. On arrival, go to the Visitor Centre and speak to the Police. They will issue you with a pass that enables you to pass the checkpoint and drive down to the guest house. Due to border patrols, you are not allowed to access the River Jordan at night. There is ample parking and, currently, the whole area is very quiet. (However, the Catholics are building on the adjacent plot, so this might increase the number of tourists.) There were only half a dozen other people staying when we were there, so we almost had the residence to ourselves. Our room has comfortable twin beds and was utterly quiet. We hadn't realised how far the guest house was from the nearest town and how difficult it was to access the site, so we didn't know where to get dinner. The cooks prepared food for the staff and they kindly provided extra, so that we were able to eat. The absolute highlight for me was sitting on the terrace, watching the sun set over Palestine. It really was rather special and I didn't want to go in to bed.
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Hotell East asub Sowaymas, 17 km kaugusel Bethany Beyond the Jordanist. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, spordikeskus ja aed. Neljatärnihotelli kõigist tubadest avaneb vaade merele. All staff, especially the front desk staff, were kind and professional. The room was spacious with balcony. We were able to enjoy the sunset at the Dead Sea from the room, which was excellent. It has many pools. One pool has a water slide. You can walk down to the Dead Sea. There was a staff member tending guests. Although we didn't enjoy the mud pack since it was a bit cold, but you can enjoy it if the weather is warm enough.
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
O Beach Hotel & Resort asub Sowaymas, 1,7 km kaugusel Ammani rannast. Kohapeal on restoran, tasuta eraparkla, välibassein ja aed. Peretubadel on terrass. The view and the facilities were perfectly suitable
Zerø Føur DeadSea asub Sowaymas, kõigest 18 km kaugusel Bethany Beyond the Jordanist. Kohapeal on merevaatega majutusruumid, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. 2023. Beautiful house. The view from the terras is amazing seeing Jerusalem in the distance.
Järvevaatega Laperla chalet villa di lusso deadsea pakub rõduga majutust umbes 19 km kaugusel Surnumere panoraamvaatega kompleksist ja muuseumist. Quite, beautiful place, beautiful view and very good staff
Merevaatega Spacious apartments with Sea view at Samarah Resort pakub privaatse ranna ja rõduga majutust Ammani rannast umbes 2,4 km kaugusel. Spacious and private with lovely views of the sea. Perfect for family. Loads of places to relax including a big balcony.
The Precious Guesthouse asub Sowaymas, Ammani rannast vaid 2,8 km kaugusel. Külalistemajas on merevaatega majutusruumid, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. The property feels like a home away from home. The space is comfortable, clean, and beautiful. We happened to have the whole guesthouse to ourselves during our two nights stay. Alex, the Head Chef, welcomed us with a smile and a zen energy. The breakfast he made for us and the fruit he provided for the house were all fresh and delicious. We highly recommend staying here as an alternative to a large resort, if you are looking for charm and tranquility.
SeaStar Sea View apartment asub Sowaymas, 17 km kaugusel Bethany Beyond the Jordanist ja 21 km kaugusel Allenby/King Husseini sillast. Apartemendis on konditsioneer. The apartment was fantastic – clean, well-equipped, and conveniently located close to the beach. The owner was exceptionally helpful, providing plenty of information about activities, dining options, and local attractions. He was proactive and very responsive throughout our stay. There was a minor mix-up regarding the price when we arrived, as the person handing over the keys seemed confused. However, this was quickly resolved after contacting the owner, who handled the situation efficiently. Overall, a great experience!
Eraranna ja konditsioneeriga Apartment at Samarah Dead Sea Resort APT D-09 asub Sowaymas, Ammani rannast 2,4 km ja Surnumere panoraamvaatega kompleksist ja muuseumist 17 km kaugusel. Great tidy comfy apartment that feels like home. Markets and restaurants, other amenities are near by. You don’t need to go out of the resort. Friendly staff with full instructions before you go there. Immediately replying to our concerns 😃🙏🏼✅💐
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Hotell sihtkohas Sowayma
Keskmiselt maksavad kolmetärnihotellid regioonis Dead Sea Jordan tänaseks HK$ 4 523 öö kohta. Maksad keskmiselt HK$ 915 öö kohta, kui otsustad peatuda neljatärnihotellis, ent viietärnihotell regioonis Dead Sea Jordan maksab umbes HK$ 1 285 (põhineb kuvatavatel hindadel).
Keskmiselt maksavad kolmetärnihotellid regioonis Dead Sea Jordan HK$ 2 976 öö kohta ning neljatärnihotellid regioonis Dead Sea Jordan HK$ 722 öö kohta. Kui otsid midagi eriti erilist, võib viietärnihotelle regioonis Dead Sea Jordan leida keskmiselt HK$ 1 440 eest öö kohta (põhineb kuvatavatel hindadel)
Regioonis Dead Sea Jordan saad broneerida 63 hotelli.
Sowayma, Mukāwir ja Ath Thughrah on regiooni Dead Sea Jordan külastavate reisijate seas populaarsed.
Paljudele regiooni Dead Sea Jordan külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Sea Gate Resort, Russian Pilgrim Residence ja East hotel.
Regioonis Dead Sea Jordan reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Sea Gate Resort, Russian Pilgrim Residence ja East hotel.
Keskmiselt maksavad kolmetärnihotellid regioonis Dead Sea Jordan sel nädalavahetusel HK$ 5 013 öö kohta ning neljatärnihotellid HK$ 929 öö kohta. Otsid midagi eriti erilist? Viietärnihotelle võib regioonis Dead Sea Jordan leida keskmiselt HK$ 1 228 eest öö kohta (põhineb kuvatavatel hindadel).
Russian Pilgrim Residence, Sea Gate Resort ja East hotel on mõned populaarsed hotellid regioonis Dead Sea Jordan.