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Searenity Beach Villa

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Searenity Beach Villa asub Diani rannal, mõne sammu kaugusel Diani rannast. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja erarand. Great location. Staff was super friendly helpful and quite nice

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
114 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 1 710
öö kohta

Asha Boutique Hotel

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Butiikhotell Asha asub Diani rannal, Diani rannast 600 meetri kaugusel. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja terrass. I loved everything about Asha Boutique Hotel. The location is right on the beach. The rooms are comfortable. All the staff are amazing; I was made to feel at home the entire time. The food is also incredible. I will definitely be back!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
117 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 1 375
öö kohta

Sawa Sawa Beach House

Hotell sihtkohas Msambweni

Sawa Sawa Beach House pakub tube Msambwenis. Majutusasutusel on erarand, välibassein ja aed. Majutusasutuses on restoran. Hotelli tubadel on terrass. There was nothing not to love. I have never felt that welcome. From the watchman, manager the staff and the surprising part is even the fellow guests. It's a gem

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
209 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 566
öö kohta

Nomad Beach Resort 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Nestled in an indigenous coastal forest with a garden and a palm-fringed beach, Nomad Beach Resort is located in Ukunda. It features an outdoor pool, a spa area and restaurants. The teppanyaki and grill were excellent along with the beach bar.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
145 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 2 176
öö kohta

Ocean Village Club (Adults Only) 4 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Situated on the Indian Ocean along the white sandy Diani Beach, Ocean Village Club offers guests a tranquil haven. The location, the beach for long walks, diner ambience, the pool when it gets too hot

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
700 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 1 943
öö kohta

Babylon Gardens Diani

Hotell sihtkohas Ukunda

Babylon Gardens Diani asub Ukundas. Kohapeal on tasuta jalgrattad, aed ja basseiniga päikeseterrass. Külalistele pakutakse à la carte hommikusööki. Majutusasutuses on ka toateenindus ja restoran. Very clean and elegant. Quiet and comfortable

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
9 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 560
öö kohta

Mwazaro Beach Lodge

Hotell sihtkohas Shimoni

Mwazaro Beach Lodge asub Shimonis, 39 km kaugusel Kaya Kinondo pühast metsast. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja erarand. Terrassiga majutusasutuses on ka toateenindus. Stunning location and amazing nature, beautiful room and very good food, the staff were super nice and helpful, from the receptionist to the owner. Very good value, Prices are fair at this point. And again, a real gem of location, magical.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
68 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 727
öö kohta

Mzima Beach Residences - Diani Beach 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Mzima Beach Resort pakub majutust Galus. Hotellil on välibassein, spaakeskus ja baar, kus külalised saavad jooke nautida. Great location directly by the beach, with a lot of attention to detail.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
27 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 2 285
öö kohta

Sonrisa Villas 4 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Offering beachfront accommodation in Diani Beach, Sonrisa Villas features a swimming pool, bar and BBQ facilities. Guests can relax in the garden or enjoy a drink and some sunshine on the terrace. lovely location, a little paradise with a wonderful pool and garden looking over the ocean.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
57 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 933
öö kohta

The Maji Beach Boutique Hotel -Adults Only 5 tärniga

Hotell sihtkohas Diani Beach

Butiikhotell Maji Beach asub Diani liivarannal. Kohapeal on sise- ja välibassein, restoran ning basseiniäärne baar. Samuti on kohapeal spordikeskus ja pakutakse massaažiteenuseid. Devine location, the stretch of beach at the location is picturesque! Very attentive staff you feel pampered the minute you walk in the facility. All rooms are spacious. All are beautifully and individually decorated meals are à la cart so it’s your slice of paradise at your pace. Breakfast was plentiful and delicious. Simon at breakfast made this feel special. He was very attentive and respectful. Zipporah and her team make sure you have the most wonderful time. We had dinner one night at the Ali Barbour cave restaurant which we were pleasantly surprised provided pick up to and from the hotel as a complimentary service With reservation ahead of time required.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
59 arvustust
Hind alates
HK$ 4 364
öö kohta

Tervise ja kaitstuse erimeetmetega hotellid

Kwale: leia hotelle, kus on võetud hügieeni erimeetmed ja millel on kõrge puhtuse hinne

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Viimase kuu aja jooksul regioonis Kwale enim broneeritud hotellid

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Parimad hommikusöögiga hotellid regioonis Kwale

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Soodsad hotellid regioonis Kwale

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Hotellid regioonis Kwale, mida saad broneerida krediitkaardita

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