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Hotell sihtkohas Kinigi
Aia, ühise puhkeruumi, terrassi ja baariga Ingagi Park View Lodge asub Kinigis. Selles kolmetärnihotellis pakutakse toateenindust ja concierge-teenust. This was probably the best stay we had all vacation. The people who work here are polite and very friendly, food is nice and the service is incredible. After the long hike they welcomed us with open arms and made a fire for us in the room. Just like they do every night when it gets cold. They also insisted on cleaning our hiking shoes and washing our hiking clothes. It was an experience to never forget! We even had a few Kinyarwanda lessons during dinner and we loved it. Murakoze chane for having us!!
Hotell sihtkohas Kinigi
Virunga Inn Resort & Spa asub Kinigis. Kohapeal on spordikeskus, aed, ühine puhkeruum ja terrass. Selles neljatärnihotellis on toateenindus ja concierge. The staff in this recently opened property are very attentive and made for a memorable stay. The accommodation, in chalets, is laid out in an idyllic garden with so many flowering plants attended by so many brightly coloured birds, it is so relaxing. The rooms are spacious and well appointed, the beds are the best. We enjoyed our food although more variety in menu would be appreciated. It is handily located for the Volcanoes NP and the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Foundation.
Kinigi Cottage asub Kinigis. Kohapeal on aed, baar ja grillimisvahendid. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade mägedele ja aiale. The breakfast was absolutely perfect!!! Loved the staff as well. The perfect homey and comfy stay.
Mäevaatega Future4Kids Kinigi Guest House By Isange paradise Resort asub Kinigis. Kohapeal on aed, ühine puhkeruum ja terrass. Puhkemajakeses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja eraparkla. Lovely self-contained property with every convenience within the accommodation. Brand new facilties and great staff working for the property. Not far from the gorilla park meeting point.
Mäevaatega Sambora Kinigi asub Kinigis. Kohapeal on restoran, toateenindus, baar, aed ja terrass. Puhkemajakeses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Friendly staff, exceptional service and they even have little puppies at the property to welcome you. The food was amazing and the stay was one of the best I ever had. If you want to feel at home this is the place to be. You have to stay here if you plan on doing the gorilla tracking, really you will thank me later. Special Note: Luna was the best member of the team ❤️❤️
URUGANO VIRUNGA PALACE asub 43 km kaugusel Mgahinga Gorilla rahvuspargist. Kohapeal on rõdu, aed ja baar. Külalistemajal on privaatne sissepääs, et muuta peatumise ajal mugavamaks. Amazing. Would stay again in a heartbeat. We were 2 adults and 4 kids
Kinigis asuvas majutusasutuses Davinci Gorilla Lodge on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Külalised saavad kasutada aeda, kus on laste mänguväljak. Kohapeal on tasuta eraparkla. The location and gardens are amazing and the staff very professional, friendly and helpful. Their chef is a wizard in the kitchen and the meals expertly prepared. And then there is the resident fur baby - Sparky, who welcomes you to the property! The Lodge is also conveniently located close to the Volcanoes National Park and there are little touches such as preparing snacks to take with when you go gorilla trekking and cleaning muddy boots that make the stay extra special. The lounge and dining areas are spacious and well-appointed. My room was huge and in the evenings the staff add warm water bottles to your bed and light a fire so the room is cosy when you return from dinner.
Aiavaatega majutusasutus Under Volcanos View Guest House asub Nyaruginas. Kohapeal on restoran, ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt, baar, aed, välikamin ja laste mänguväljak. I had a wonderful experience at Under Volcanoes View Guest House. Every staff member I encountered, from the valet to the check- in to the cleaning staff were delightful and eager to help! Much thanks be to The Guest House and Tour company Manager Michael and the team Pascal , Jean Damour , Alphonsine , Chalom , Olvier , Augusti ! The place is not only offering accomodations but also having A Tour company in tours and travel section with Tour operation service , Tour Guiding service as well as tour consultancy services! Will recommend to my colleagues!
Aiavaatega Terracotta Kinigi pakub aiaga majutust umbes 50 km kaugusel Mgahinga Gorilla rahvuspargist. Terrassiga majutusasutuses on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus.
Ühise puhkeruumiga Future4Kids Kinigi Guest House By Isange Paradise Resort pakub majutust Kinigis. Majutusasutuses on lift, ühisköök ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Kohapeal on laste mänguväljak ja parkla.
Keskmiselt maksavad kolmetärnihotellid regioonis Volcanoes National Park tänaseks HK$ 3 720 öö kohta. Maksad keskmiselt HK$ 7 279 öö kohta, kui otsustad peatuda neljatärnihotellis, ent viietärnihotell regioonis Volcanoes National Park maksab umbes HK$ 54 427 (põhineb kuvatavatel hindadel).
Keskmiselt maksavad kolmetärnihotellid regioonis Volcanoes National Park sel nädalavahetusel HK$ 3 720 öö kohta ning neljatärnihotellid HK$ 7 279 öö kohta. Otsid midagi eriti erilist? Viietärnihotelle võib regioonis Volcanoes National Park leida keskmiselt HK$ 78 285 eest öö kohta (põhineb kuvatavatel hindadel).
Regioonis Volcanoes National Park saad broneerida 10 hotelli.