Apskatiet jaunākās cenas un piedāvājumus, izvēloties datumus.
Set in the heart of the Northern Drakensberg, Cavern Resort & Spa provides family-friendly accommodation located 65 km from Harrismith and 48 km from Bergville. This is one of my most favourite escapes ever, been going with the family since I was a kid. Always amazing, eahc time. My family loves hiking, fishing & horse riding...all of which are available at the Cavern. The food is amazing as always and the rooms are super cofortable. A reliable, awesome retreat in the beautiful Drakensberg mountains....great for the family!
Riverbend Chalets (Gold Crown Resort) is set within the scenic Drakensberg Garden and boasts views of lush landscapes and the majestic Drakensberg Mountain Range. Friendly staff , clean facilities and very quiet place.
Located on the foothills of the Southern Drakensberg, Lake Naverone Holiday Cottages is set on large estate with 2 lakes and 7 km of river frontage. We had a fantastic stay at the lodge! The rooms were comfortable, the location was perfect and the hospitality was warm and welcoming. We were impressed by the attentive service. Looking forward to our next visit!
Drakensberg Sun Resort has an outdoor swimming pool, garden, a shared lounge and terrace in Winterton. Beautiful resort and location, excellent food and service.
Featuring a bar, ATKV Drakensville is located in Bergville in the KwaZulu-Natal region, 39 km from Kaalvoet Vrou Statue. Great facilities. Nice and clean. We stayed in the wheelchair unit and it was right in the middle and close to everything. It was large enough for the wheelchair to move about easily. All the facilities in the kitchen and bathroom are perfect for a wheelchair user.
Champagne Valley
Cayley Mountain Resort offers accommodation in Bergview, set in the central Drakensberg with views over the Cathkin Peak and Champagne Castle ranges. Beautiful place . Perfect for families. The waterpark in the dam was amazing. The views were unbelievable. We enjoyed every minute and wish we could have stayed longer
Ethels Drive
Offering magnificent views of the Drakensberg mountain range, Little Switzerland Resort is located a 30-minute drive from Bergville. The resort offers rooms and self-catering chalets. Fantastic surroundings and staff went the extra mile for us. Great on-site activities. Food and drinks were good quality and great value for the money.
Set in the charming Mkhomazana Valley, this resort offers hotel and cottage accommodation, and Southern Drakensberg views. Tours to Sani Pass with 4x4 vehicles depart daily from the resort. lovely staff, clean rooms. Hotel is homely and welcoming.
Located in Southern Drakensberg, this resort offers spacious accommodation, an outdoor pool with scenic mountain views and a well-equipped fitness centre. Management was amazing. I got sick during our holiday & they took great care of my boys.
Set in picturesque Bonjaneni, this 4-star hotel complex offers contemporary accommodation with stunning views of the Drakensberg Mountains. Our family loved everything about this resort. It's our third year coming and the staff, resort amenities and the chalet itself were exceptional. There are activities available for all ages and all interests. The restaurant has a good menu and the food and service are excellent. We highly recommend Alpine Heath.
Kūrorts pilsētā Haimvila
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Kūrorts pilsētā Ethels Drive
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Kūrorts pilsētā Drekensberggārdena
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Kūrorts pilsētā Bonjaneni
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Kūrorts pilsētā Champagne Valley
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Kūrorts pilsētā Bergvila
Iecienījuši viesi, kas rezervē kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg
Mūsu platformā rezervēt kūrortu reģionā Drakensberg ir ātri un ērti. Lūk, ko mēs piedāvājam:
• Bezmaksas atcelšana vairumam uzturēšanās vietu
• Mēs pielīdzinām cenas
• 24/7 klientu apkalpošana vairāk nekā 40 valodās
Naktsmītnes Little Switzerland Resort by Dream Resorts, Gooderson Leisure Fairways Self Catering and Timeshare Gold Crown Resort un Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort saņēma lieliskas atsauksmes no viesiem reģionā Drakensberg par jaukajiem skatiem no kūrortiem.
Viesi, kuri uzturējās reģionā Drakensberg, atzinīgi novērtēja skatus arī no šīm naktsmītnēm (kūrortiem): aha Alpine Heath Resort, Lake Naverone Holiday Cottages un Premier Resort Sani Pass.
Vairumam kūrortus platformā Booking.com ir bezmaksas atcelšana.
Lake Naverone Holiday Cottages, Little Switzerland Resort by Dream Resorts un aha Alpine Heath Resort ir iecienītas naktsmītnes (kūrortus) reģionā Drakensberg.
Bez šīm naktsmītnēm (kūrortiem) arī Premier Resort Sani Pass, ATKV Drakensville un Gooderson Drakensberg Gardens Golf & Spa Resort ir iecienītas naktsmītnes reģionā Drakensberg.
Pāriem, kas ceļoja pa reģionu Drakensberg, patika uzturēšanās naktsmītnēs Lake Naverone Holiday Cottages, Gooderson Leisure Fairways Self Catering and Timeshare Gold Crown Resort un Fairways Holiday Accommodation.
Arī šos kūrortus reģionā Drakensberg ir augstu novērtējuši pāri: Mkomazana Mountain Cottages, Little Switzerland Resort by Dream Resorts un Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort.
Reģionā Drakensberg ir 15 kūrorti, ko jūs varat rezervēt vietnē Booking.com.
Daudzām ģimenēm, kuras uzturējās reģionā Drakensberg, ļoti patika nakšņot naktsmītnēs Lake Naverone Holiday Cottages, Fairways Holiday Accommodation un Gooderson Leisure Fairways Self Catering and Timeshare Gold Crown Resort.
Arī Mkomazana Mountain Cottages, aha Alpine Heath Resort un Little Switzerland Resort by Dream Resorts ir iecienītas ģimeņu vidū.
Vidējā cena par kūrorts par nakti reģionā Drakensberg šajā nedēļas nogalē ir HK$ 745, ņemot vērā pašreizējās cenas platformā Booking.com.