- 「I am lucky to stay at Hacho House for four nights in winter season. Spacious house in great location. Next to the lake trail and short walking distance to groceries and restaurants in Yellowknife. The host is very friendly and accommodating; Ihsin shared histories, culture, and life experiences in Yellowknife. The host gave us a ride to the Snow Castle and I am glad that we get to see the opening ceremony! The house is super clean, feeling like staying home. The kitchen and breakfast nook are beautiful with great view. Meemo and Fanta (the cats) are like purring machine and both of them love chin rub. Ringo (the dog) is very calm and chilled. We didn't rent a car because most of the aurora tours and winter activity tours provide pick-up and drop-off service at Hacho. Very therapeutic place to stay, highly recommend!
很幸運能在冬季的旺季住在好丘四晚! 絕佳地理位置的湖畔美麗豪宅, 內部寬敞, 客房的共用區域及廚房客廳等動線規劃很讚, 冬季從湖畔旁邊的小徑散步至市區中心購物只要十多分鐘, 兩隻貓貓Meemoo和芬達很親人, 狗狗Ringo 會握手喔! 每天擼貓跟狗狗Ringo and Chiko 玩很療癒, 我們二月底三月初連住四天不需要租車, 因為幾乎所有的極光行程和冬季日間活動行程都有來好丘接送我們, 我先生小跑步來回冰瀑才一小時多, 民宿女主人是漂亮美麗的台灣女生, 很親切的載我們去超市買牛排 (Alberta 的牛排超好吃) 和採買一些生活必需品, 一起去看Snow Castle 的三十週年開幕儀式, 分享很多黃刀鎮生活和當地文化歷史, 讓我們的七天黃刀鎮之旅不只是晚上的極光行程而已, 見識到白天黃刀鎮的美麗~ 有時候白天的行程回來後在沙發的一角落馬上舒服的秒睡著, 下次一定會在不同的季節體驗黃刀鎮的美, 好丘是我唯一推薦的高CP值黃刀鎮住宿, 期待下次再訪黃刀~」