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1 worthy /ˈwɚði/ adjective
worthier; worthiest
1 worthy
worthier; worthiest
Britannica Dictionary definition of WORTHY
[or more worthy; most worthy]
: good and deserving respect, praise, or attention
: having enough good qualities to be considered important, useful, etc. usually + of
sometimes followed by to + verb

worthy of

: good enough to have been written, said, done, or created by (someone, especially someone famous)
see also 1worthy 2 (above)

— worthiness

/ˈwɚðinəs/ noun [noncount]
2 worthy /ˈwɚði/ noun
plural worthies
2 worthy
plural worthies
Britannica Dictionary definition of WORTHY
: an important or respected person often used in a joking or disapproving way to refer to people who think of themselves as important