Business Standard

Jobs to infra: India Inc hopes for economic revival under NDA 2.0

Anil Agarwal, chairman of Vedanta, said there is a need for simplification of policies and tackling critical issues

Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with the party President Amit Shah arrives at the party headquarters to celebrate their victory in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, in New Delhi on Thursday | Photo: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with the party President Amit Shah arrives at the party headquarters to celebrate their victory in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, in New Delhi on Thursday | Photo: PTI

BS Reporters Mumbai
A decisive mandate for the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on Thursday has raised expectations of a higher pace of economic reforms. Coming a day after the United Nations (UN) lowered its FY20 gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for India, corporate leaders said a stable government at the Centre will help boost infrastructure spend, address agricultural distress, and encouraging employment.  

“To me, it is very simple — the people of this country want Narendra Modi to continue his job of restructuring the Indian economy, as well as the governance structure, and lead the country on to a high sustained growth

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First Published: May 23 2019 | 10:23 PM IST

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