Business Standard

Old troubles mar new term: A status check of Modi govt's 100 days

The first-quarter GDP data showed the economy losing steam

pm modi

PM Narendra Modi

Indivjal Dhasmana
Amid the economic slowdown, controlling the inflation rate is the only thing that the Modi government can boast about in its first 100 days in office. But, low inflation was also because of a lack of demand, responsible for a slack in the economy. It, though, provided a room to the RBI to go for a cut in the repo rate for the fourth consecutive time in August — this time by an unconventional 35 basis points. 

On its part, the government took measures to perk up the economy. Most keenly watched of these was the withdrawal of the super-rich

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First Published: Sep 06 2019 | 11:54 PM IST

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