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Here Are 14 Celebs, And All You Need To Do Is Guess If They've Appeared In A Holiday Movie

Love Actually has a bigger cast than you might remember.

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Happy holidays! It's that time of year when Yuletide films take over movie theaters and streaming services everywhere. Over the years, some of Hollywood's biggest and most beloved stars have tried their hand at appearing in holiday films. The best have forever associated themselves with iconic characters, like Will Ferrell as Buddy in Elf.

A scene from a holiday movie with a smiling man in an elf costume, surrounded by excited people in a festive setting

But, surprisingly, there's a handful of celebs who haven't appeared in a holiday film. Can you guess who? Good luck!

Disclaimer: This quiz only relates to films where Christmas or other winter holidays were a focal point of the film, not films that simply took place or had a scene around this time of year.
