In the face of evolving threats and actors, traditional ID security strategies have been proven inadequate, says Entrust's David Rockvam. It's time for a security evolution.
Proofpoint and ISMG have just completed a new Targeted Attacks survey. What are some of the key findings? Kevin Epstein shares insight on detecting advanced threats and warding off attacks.
In the second full day of RSA 2014, ISMG's editors record exclusive video interviews with Troy Leach of the PCI Council, Adam Sedgewick of NIST and Gartner's Avivah Litan. What insights do these thought-leaders share?
While much of the security focus is on online fraud and major data breaches, organizations of all sizes and sectors are seeing a rise in phone-based fraud, says Matt Anthony of Pindrop Security.
Malcolm Palmore of the FBI's Cyber Division discusses how law enforcement agents are working closely with private sector security leaders to investigate DDoS attacks and help mitigate the effects.
The Target retail POS breach is the most talked-about incident in recent memory - and it was entirely preventable with available security solutions, says Adam Tegg CEO of Wontok Solutions.
Recent breaches tell the story: Organizations are not entirely prepared to respond to such incidents. Craig Carpenter of AccessData discusses the next generation of incident response.
The old security model is broken, and now is the time to introduce a whole new approach to threat detection and response. This is the message from Dave DeWalt and Kevin Mandia of FireEye.
Artificial intelligence can be used to enhance security across a number of business sectors, including retail and financial, says Dr. Akli Adjaoute of security firm Brighterion.
Bring-your-own-device concerns are getting more complex, but most organizations aren't keeping up with the times, and their outdated policies and procedures prove it, says John Whaley of Moka5.
Advanced threats and targeted attacks - they're today's most persistent challenges. And no security solution by itself is enough to defend organizations. But combined solutions offer a new defense.
Lawsuits claiming infringements on information security technology patents could become more common as the value of the technology increases in light of the need to prevent breaches, says attorney James Denaro, who leads the intellectual property practice at the CipherLaw Group.
RSA 2014 is hosted across the street from a Target store. Which is only fitting because the Target retail breach arose in many discussions during day one of the annual security conference.
Today's threat landscape is rapidly expanding to include cyber-attacks attributed to nation states. How must organizations respond? Mike McConnell, former U.S. National Intelligence Director, shares insight.
Attorney Kim Peretti helped put TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez behind bars, and now she is helping organizations investigate and respond to their own data breaches. What tips and tools does she recommend?
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