Bad drivers abound worldwide but many escape the serious consequences of that poor piloting. In the case of one white Ford Fusion driver in New Jersey, the consequences of running a red light came swift and fast. Not only did they end up with a damaged car but they met up with police almost immediately.

In a short video posted to Reddit, we see traffic begin to flow on New Jersey State Highway 23. As that happens, the driver of a white Ford Fusion appears from the left side of the frame. It appears clear that they ran the red light on their side of the intersection.

They nearly make it past the traffic before a MINI Cooper in lane one impacts the rear quarter of the Ford hard. It sends the Fusion into a spin that the driver actually manages to save. The bumper of the Ford almost completely vacates the car but manages to just hang on by a few fasteners.

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The Ford driver then immediately pulls away in what appears to be an attempt at running from the accident. What they likely didn’t expect was that they’d then drive directly by a police officer who was in a position to see the whole thing. As soon as they drive by, the officer turns on their lights and pulls over the Ford.

It’s unclear based on the footage exactly why the Fusion driver appeared to believe that they could leave. The police vehicle is very clearly in view and at one point it looks like the red-light-runner might pull over before reaching the officer. Instead, they’re likely facing an extra charge or two for attempting to leave the scene.

Interestingly, the MINI appeared almost unaffected by the impact. Whether or not its driver would face any sort of penalty is unclear but unlikely as they likely couldn’t see the Ford until it was far too late. Regardless, it’s never the right move to run from an accident after it happens. This Ford driver found that out the hard way.

Image Credit: u/SGMC27 on Reddit