Reporting anti-SLAPP litigation to the Judicial Council of California

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Assembly Bill 1675 (Stat. 1999, ch. 960) amended Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 to require any party who files a special motion to strike or who files an opposition to such a motion to, upon filing, promptly transmit the following documents to the Judicial Council:

  • a copy of the endorsed-filed caption page of the motion or opposition (caption page only – not entire motion papers);
  • a copy of any related notice of appeal or petition for a writ; and
  • a conformed copy of any order pursuant to section 425.16, including any order granting or denying a special motion to strike, discovery, or fees.

The information that follows explains how to transmit and access these documents.

To transmit documents by fax, send documents with a clearly addressed fax cover sheet to:

Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
RE: SLAPP Documents Per CCP §425.16
Attn: SLAPP Coordinator
Fax: 415-865-4315

To transmit documents by email, send an e-mail message with the documents in an attachment to The email message must include the date the documents were filed with the court.

To access case information:

A log of cases reported to the Judicial Council is available on the California Courts website – Search for “SLAPPs” or “425.16” to locate the log.

To physically view documents: On-site viewing is by appointment only. Call the Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts, Office of Court Research at 415-865-7616 to schedule an appointment.

For further assistance: Call the Judicial Council at 415-865-7616 for assistance related to transmitting documents, on-site viewing appointments, and other questions related to SLAPPs.

The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. The information here is meant to provide general information to the public.
