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Franklin High students sign petition calling for better learning conditions after school closes several bathrooms

Franklin High School students sign petition demanding better conditions
Franklin High School students sign petition demanding better conditions 03:01

More than 700 students at a Highland Park high school are demanding equity after many say some of the conditions at their school are causing problems for their health. 

"I saw something unfair and unjustified, so I acted on it," said Franklin High School Junior Class President Erick Castro. "I got 730 signatures — that's most likely half the school 

With the header "Save Franklin Now," the petition calls on the school's administration to reopen all bathrooms on campus after several have remained closed since returning to campus in August. 

"For girls, it's hectic, especially when it's that time of the month," said student Citlali Marin. "You have to wait until nutrition or lunch, but during those times it's absolutely crowded."

Some students limit their water and have to hold it in. Often, students say open bathrooms have a line out the door.

"They lead all the way out to the quad, and it's like that for all of lunch," said Marin.

"Honestly, when I have to use the restroom and I can't focus in class because I need to relieve myself, said student Joanna Ornelas. "Everyone does."

The petition also requests the use of lockers, all of which have been off limits and sitting unused since students returned from remote learning. Finally, the petition asks the district to fix broken air conditioners in several classrooms.

Castro said he has met with the principal who told him the bathrooms and the lockers are closed due to concerns about drug use and not having enough staff to supervise. 

"We recently went to La Cañada for football," said student Mario Alcaraz. "Right across the 210 and it was fine. The lockers were up, restrooms were open — everything was fine."

This feeling of inequity is something UCLA Professor of Education Tyrone Howard has researched. In his research, he found that most students do not bring weapons or drugs to school. However, students in poor communities or communities of color are more likely to be stigmatized. 

"I think we have to do a deep dive and an analysis to look at the very conditions we expect young people to learn," he said. 

Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said the Los Angeles Unified School District has made a $320 million invention to replace or fix broken A/C units and to beef up its custodial staff to keep all bathrooms open.

"We are doing a deep analysis of the deployment of staff, from teachers and aides to custodial staff on the basis of new enrollment information to make sure there is equity in terms of deployment of human resources," he said.

In a statement, an LAUSD spokesperson said schools must have one restroom stall per 40 students and Franklin High exceeds that standard. 

An LAUSD spokesperson said it will revisit the locker issue in May and consider reopening them.  

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