resilience for a better future


A farmer in her solar-irrigated farm, Nepal. Photo by Nabin Baral/IWMI.
CGIAR Research Centers

Message from the Executive Management Team

Claudia Sadoff
Elwyn Grainger-Jones
Kundhavi Kadiresan

Highlights of 2020

View a summary of CGIAR’s key results in 2020.

Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In a year of exceptional challenges and disruption, discover how CGIAR focused on supporting policymakers, farmers, consumers, and other food system stakeholders to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on those most affected by the pandemic.

Read more

Our contribution to impact

CGIAR’s work contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discover the ways in which we leveraged our expertise and partnerships to contribute to global impact in 2020.

Contribution to the SDGs

Explore CGIAR research that contributed to the SDGs by reducing poverty, improving food and nutrition security, and protecting natural resources and ecosystems in 2020.

CGIAR in Ethiopia

From innovations that reached up to 11 million households to responding to a locust outbreak: Learn about CGIAR's critical role in agricultural research in Ethiopia during the past 40 years.

Assessing CGIAR’s return on investment

Read about the ten to one benefit-cost ratio of CGIAR research and the unique position CGIAR holds to benefit smallholder farmers and protect food systems.

Recent achievements

Explore a selection of recent achievements from our research and innovation with partners around the world.

Results indicators

CGIAR has results indicators that allow System-level aggregated reporting: innovations, policies, partnerships, capacity development, Altmetric Attention Scores, and peer-reviewed publications. Explore the data on each indicator below, and via the CGIAR Results Dashboard.
New or improved outputs, including knowledge and technologies.
Policies, legal instruments, investments or curricula informed by CGIAR research.
Highlighted partnerships
Important relationships among CGIAR and external institutions.
Capacity development
People trained by CGIAR, including PhD candidates and graduates.
Altmetric Attention Scores
Publications that have metrics and qualitative data available.
Peer-reviewed publications
CGIAR research papers published in peer-reviewed journals.

Cross-cutting Platforms

The four CGIAR Platforms focus on cross-cutting and multidisciplinary work, enabling collaboration across CGIAR. In 2020, our Platforms continued to drive innovations.

Funding & Finance

Our financial performance

In 2020, CGIAR research revenue was US$736 million, an 11% decrease from the previous year (US$828 million in 2019). The system, however, improved from a net deficit of US$7.5 million in 2019 to a net deficit of US$0.6 million in 2020. Explore the highlights of our financial performance and funding in 2020 or search our dashboards to get a closer look at our books.

CGIAR assets

CGIAR has a wealth of experience and knowledge spanning 50 years, with a global network of 15 top-class Research Centers that implement 16 Research Programs and Platforms in partnership with 3,000+ organizations in more than 70 countries around the world.

Photo credits: Our contribution to impact background: Portrait of a Dao woman, Vietnam. Photo by T. Chinh/Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. Results 2020 background: Scientists work in a lab, Vietnam. Photo by T. Chinh/Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT. Our financial performance: Scientists working in a lab, Vietnam. Photo by T. Chinh/Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT. CGIAR Financial Dashboards: An assortment of whole, unprocessed maize and wheat kernels. Photo by A. Cortés/CIMMYT. Funders: Researchers sample roots for gene expression analysis. Photo by M. Quintana/IRRI. Active Grants Dashboard: A hearder with his animals, Azraq desert, Jordan. Photo by S. Abaza/IWMI. Additional credits on the second-level pages of the CGIAR Annual Performance Report 2020 website.