Use of pooled funding

Use of pooled funding

In 2020, the CGIAR Trust Fund provided pooled funding, received via Funding Windows 1 and 2 (W1/2), for programming carried out by CGIAR’s Research Programs (CRPs) and Platforms.

CRPs use W1/2 funding to provide approved budgeted programmatic funding for research and pathways to scale and impact. Activities funded by W1/2 during 2020 included the following: enhancing partnerships; establishing capacity development activities; running monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA) studies; developing, and piloting innovations; promoting policy support and engagement; generating innovative research outputs; setting up gender, youth, and inclusion research and engagement; and updating public goods, such as tools and websites.

CRPs and Platforms also revised funding allocations to ensure sufficient resources were directed to COVID-19-related research and activities.

CGIAR Platforms used their funds in 2020 to cover the critical recurring costs of maintaining the functions of genebanks, breeding and data management.

The table below provides some further examples of approved W1/2 use reported in 2020.

Table 1. Examples of approved W1/2 use in 2020

CRP Example Type of use
Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) Research W1/2 funds were used to pivot A4NH research areas to address the COVID-19 pandemic, including on One Health, nutrition, and food systems transformation. A4NH played a coordinating role for CGIAR COVID-19 responses (including hosting the new CGIAR COVID-19 Hub) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) blogs, events, books, and reports.
Fish (FISH) Policy FISH provided policy support to integrate fish into rice-based landscapes and farming systems in Myanmar.
Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) Research FTA contributed to the development of market-based agroforestry options in Indonesia and Africa.
Policies, Markets and Institutions (PIM) Partnerships PIM worked with the Inter-American Development Bank and the CRP on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) to use PIM foresight tools and results to assess the impacts of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean and to inform recommendations for adaptation; and worked with the World Bank to identify a set of 20 actions to achieve agriculture and food system outcomes.
Rice (RICE) Delivery RICE disseminated RiceAdvice and good basic agricultural practices to 14,900 farmers in Nigeria and Senegal.
Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) Capacity development RTB trained national plant protection organizations on the use of the PestDisPlace platform. Training focused on the diagnostics and detection of Cassava Mosaic Disease, Witches Broom and Whitefly identification and data collection with participants from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) MELIA WLE and CCAFS produced an outcome evaluation of solar-powered irrigation in India.
Working together:
CGIAR digital strategy
Working together:
Monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment