The CGIAR dashboards and decision registers provide access to information on CGIAR results, financials, Trust Fund and governance decisions. The dashboards have been designed with users in mind, offering different filters and ways to view the data.
CGIAR Results Dashboard
The CGIAR Results Dashboard presents yearly results achieved by CGIAR’s Initiatives and Impact Area Platforms, providing access both to summarized results and to the detailed underlying data. The Dashboard draws on quality-assured information from the annual reports of the CGIAR Initiatives and Impact Area Platforms.
A results dashboard which presents results for CGIAR’s previous portfolio of CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms (2017-2021) can be accessed Here.
CGIAR Results Dashboard
Results from all CGIAR Initiatives and Impact Area Platforms, with data on CGIAR’s impact, contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals, Initiative outcomes and outputs, and genebanks. The dashboard also contains a collection of key result stories.
Initiatives Dashboard
Initiatives Dashboard
This dashboard provides an overview of CGIAR’s Initiatives by action area and OECD DAC Markers for Climate
Financial Report Dashboard
The Financial Report Dashboards present yearly financial results from Centers and CGIAR Research Centers and Platforms. These Dashboards are based on the aggregation of the information reported in the externally audited Financial Statements of the CGIAR Research Centers and the CGIAR System Organization.
A snapshot of the aggregated results, financial position, including historical funding data from 2011 by source of funding.
Center Analysis
Center results and financial indicators, plus revenues by source of funding and expenses by different categories, region and CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms.
Program Analysis
A summary of CGIAR Research Programs and Platform expenditure by source of funding, plus their cash positions at the end of the year.
Funder Analysis
An analysis of Funder activities, including allocations to Centers and CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms.
Trust Fund Dashboards
The CGIAR Trust Fund Dashboards provide an overview of contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund by Funders, and disbursements made to the Centers, CGIAR Research Programs and Research Initatives since 2011.
CGIAR Trust Fund Contributions
This dashboard shows contributions by Funders by Funding Windows since 2011.
CGIAR Trust Fund Disbursements
This dashboard shows disbursements to Centers and Programs by Funding Windows since 2011.
Financing plan
This dashboard shows a summary of Funding Allocation of Portfolio and Designated to the CGIAR Research Portfolio in the current year.
Governance Decisions
Decisions taken by CGIAR’s key governing bodies are all publicly available and logged in searchable registers. For more information on how CGIAR’s Governance works, click here.
System Council Decision Register
The System Council, whose voting members include CGIAR Funders and developing country representatives, reviews the strategy, mission, impact and continued relevance of CGIAR in a rapidly changing landscape of agricultural research for development.
System Board Decision Register
Working in partnership with the System Council, the System Board keeps under review the effectiveness of the CGIAR System, and adopts and monitors compliance with CGIAR policies, procedures and guidelines.
Active Grants
A dashboard tracking various CGIAR grants that are under implementation.
Funder View
This dashboard reports on all the collective Grants of the CGIAR System. Inter-Center grants were eliminated in this view to remove the double counting of pledge amounts and number of grants.
Center View
The dashboard reports on all the active Grants by each Center, including the Inter-Center grants to illustrate their complete Center activities.
Funder and Grant size
Reports on all collective Grants of the CGIAR System with emphasis on grants size analysis per Funder at System level.
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion (GDI)
The CGIAR Gender, Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) Dashboards monitor and evaluate GDI progress in CGIAR’s Workplaces.
CGIAR Workforce Data – A GDI Lens
Gender and diversity dimensions of the CGIAR workforce are shown cross-System and by individual Center and Alliance.
GDI Matrix
Results of reporting against the requirements of the CGIAR GDI matrix are shown cross-System and by individual Center and Alliance.
Management Response Action Tracking Tool
The Management Response Action Tracking Tool provides status updates on Management Response actions to Evaluations.
Management Response Action Tracking Tool
This tool tracks the status of Management Response actions on Evaluations since 2021.