Save Our Anaheim Streets from DisneylandForward - Sign This Petition!

Save Our Anaheim Streets from DisneylandForward - Sign This Petition!

3 January 2024
Petition to
Anaheim Planning Commission/Anaheim City Council
Signatures: 555Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Save Magic Way

Did you know Disney is asking City Hall to change, or even close, roads we use every day? In the 1990’s, Anaheim allowed Disney to reroute and close public streets that residents had used for generations. Now “DisneylandForward” wants even more of our public streets! 

What do they plan to do? 
Buried in a 17,000-page document are plans to narrow existing streets around the Resort, back out of past deals to complete roads Disney promised, and even close some of the streets we use daily to access the freeway! 

Do you avoid the mess on already-crowded Harbor, Ball, and Katella, by using convenient Magic Way and Disneyland Drive to get to the freeway? Disney’s new plan closes Magic Way and all, or portions of, Disneyland Drive between Ball and Katella. 

Road closures mean that high-value, taxpayer-owned real estate would be privatized for Disney’s profitable use, with no benefit to local residents. Heavier traffic impacts air quality, and further delays our own daily commutes. Most of all, closing the streets that intersect the Resort will create an isolated, walled fortress, with Disney turning its back on the community. 

Wait! Can Disney close our public roads?
Disney can’t do this by themselves, but they can persuade elected officials to close the roads our taxes pay for. 

Frankly, reliable information about these changes has been hard to find. To fact-check Disney and argue against these changes, ordinary Anaheim residents have been sifting through thousands of pages of a massive technical document, crafted by Disney. We were given only 45 days to review, counter misinformation, and comment on Disney’s plans. 

After expenses, tourism only pays less than 25% of the Anaheim General Fund. As majority taxpayers, why are we so often left out of the discussion when the future of the city we pay for is being decided? Disneyland has been an integral part of Anaheim since 1955. The growth and expansion of Anaheim’s “economic engine” of tourism should benefit all stakeholders. Disney’s new profits should not come at the expense of our quality of life.

What can we do?
Yes, Disney is a massive corporation but, by standing together, we can make our voices heard. This petition asks Anaheim leaders to consider alternatives that benefit both tourism and taxpayers. Additionally, we call for increased truth and transparency in these dealings. 

Sign this petition today; help us save Magic Way and other public roads for public benefit, not private profit. 

If you have any questions, please email

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Signatures: 555Next Goal: 1,000
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