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Charitable Gift Annuities

Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity

If you would like to make a gift to the Public Citizen Foundation, and receive guaranteed income for life, you may be interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity. The minimum gift required to open an annuity is $10,000 and you must be 65 years or older.

Sample Interest Rates (Based on a $10,000 gift)


Single Life Rate

Single Life Annual Payment

Two Lives Rate

Two Lives Annual Payment

65 5.7% $570 5.0% $500
70 6.3% $630 5.5% $550
75 7.0% $700 6.2% $620
80 8.1% $810 6.9% $690
85 9.1% $910 8.1% $810
90 10.1+% $1,010 9.8+% $980

For a confidential sample annuity illustration, please contact Genevieve Chase at 202-588-7712 or gchase@citizen.org.

Purchasing charitable gift annuities is one of the best decisions we have ever made. We get an excellent guaranteed rate of return for life (partially tax free) and an immediate tax deduction. Not only do we help sustain Public Citizen for decades to come, we appropriately diversity our investment portfolio and fulfill our charitable intent. It is a win in so many ways that it is practically a no-brainer. Robert Spiegelman, Member, Concord, New Hampshire
