Technology is good because we can use them by integrating them into our daily lives to make things easier for us. From the simple tools like spoons, forks, biro pencil, etc. to advanced tools like hidden cameras, nanny cam, vacuum cleaner and so on. If it is not making life easier for you, then it is not technology. With that said, let us talk about the fusion of education and learning.
The aspect of education has really benefitted from the use of technology. From the simple chalk and board to the use of audiovisual and the use of different forms of artificial intelligence. Clever books saw the importance of doing so and encouraged the use of technology through the following means to ensure that they integrate fun with learning.
Experiences from educators on their journey with edtech+links to resources they used
You cannot give what you do not have. Even an African adage says “a man with no pocket cannot offer anything”. This is the more reason why we provide you with tutors who have the required experience. These tutors do not only have experience in terms of subject matter, they are also conversant with the use of technology as well. Furthermore, these tutors are proven tutors with links to their previous works readily available.
Clever Books demo products, augmented reality printable
Like I said earlier, we understand the role technology in education. This is why we are offering you augmented reality demo products to help you in the process of learning. People learn most when they participate in the learning activity and clever books is making sure you get involved in the process of learning.
200+ EdTech Resources
With access to over two hundred educational resources, you cannot ask for more. These resources also cover a large number of areas to ensure that nobody is left out. These resources will help in your all round grooming. They will also cover delicate and important areas. You are as good as what you get and we are ensuring that you become the best by giving you the best.
Free online CPD course in Emerging Technologies
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of practice or experience. This means that learning implies development. We know that and we are providing you with free online continuous professional development course in emerging technologies so that you can easily get acquainted with them. Different technologies are emerging daily in different aspects of life. It is important that you understand them else you become redundant in a place where you were the most sought after once upon a time.
Discount coupons because we value you and much more
We are as interested in your professional development as we are in making profits. This is why we offer a lot of free services to our registered members. Despite the free services, we also offer discount on a number of our services. These discounts are to encourage you grow. Our prices are very affordable and the discounts are to make them even more so.
With you getting into what you learn, you will be able to learn far much more. So what are you waiting for? Make a life changing opportunity and click on the sign up button if you are not a member.
Junaid Ali Qureshi is an ecommerce entrepreneur with a passion for emerging tech marketing. Some of his current ventures include Progos Tech , Elabelz.com , Titan Tech and Smart Marketing.