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The CM SAF R TOOLBOX is an easy-to-use tool to prepare, analyze and visualize CM SAF NetCDF data. The Toolbox comes as part of the cmsaf R-package, which is a collection of more than 100 functions for analysis and manipulation of CM SAF NetCDF formatted data. The CM SAF R Toolbox is based on an R-shiny graphical user interface, which guides through all options. Thus, no R or scripting experience is needed.
Overview of the functionality of the CM SAF R Toolbox
Source: CM SAF
The cmsaf R-package can be downloaded for free from CRAN here. For an easy start with the CM SAF R Toolbox we prepared some information material:
Video on Youtube: CM SAF R Toolbox Tutorial Video
Video on Youtube: CM SAF R Toolbox Update Video
COMET module: Basic Climate Analysis Using the CM SAF R Toolbox
COMET module: An Introduction to Satellite-based Climate Data Records
Short Course: A climate data record of "sunshine", SARAH
Short Course: Learn to use an R based toolbox to analyse climate time series – Basics
Short Course: A Climate Data Record of Soil moisture in the root zone
Monthly Report on Cloud Coverage (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file)
Tutorial Monthly Report (PDF, 271KB, Barrier-free file)
Trend Analysis (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file)
Tutorial Trendanalysis (PDF, 566KB, Barrier-free file)
Tutorial Analysis of CM SAF Radiation Data (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file)
Tutorial Monthly Report for Global Radiation Data (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file)
The usage of 'bluemarble' quicklooks requires additional data, which are too large for the official cmsafvis R-package on CRAN. These data include longitude and latitude coordinates for the native Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) grid and a 'bluemarble' background image. To use this option for CLAAS quicklooks of instantaneous data, just set the keywords 'bluemarble' (true / false) and / or sysdata (path to sysdata.rda) in the configuration file (e.g., 'C:\Users\username\Documents\R\win-library\4.1\cmsafvis\extdata\quicklook_config.yml').
In case that a question or problem can not be solved by help of the manual or the cmsaf R-package documentation contact the CM SAF User Help Desk (
General information on R can be found here:
SK / Nov2022