
When is the best time to visit Lebanon?

This is when to visit Lebanon to make the most of buzzing capital Beirut, the mountains and the stunning Beqaa Valley
Mar Zakhia church by the Mediterranean in Lebanon post processed using exposure bracketing
Lukas Bischoff

Before Dubai emerged as the buzzing hub of the Middle East, Lebanon – and in particular Beirut – was the go-to destination for anyone in the region seeking a good time. Its fabled shores and pumping nightclubs welcomed people from all walks of life who ventured here to unwind and dance until the early hours. While Beirut may be renowned for its party scene, there is far more to see here once the sun comes up. The capital, with its quintessential mix of Arab and European culture, is home to a unique character and spirit that has helped the city to keep bouncing back. Further afield, Lebanon’s bustling cities, historic landmarks and stunning natural landscapes that manage to charm even the most seasoned traveller. 

Lebanon’s weather

Lebanon’s weather is unique, thanks to three distinct climate zones, which means on any given day, you could experience completely different conditions depending on which area you visit. In fact, due to Lebanon’s tiny size, in early spring, when the Mediterranean heat begins to roll into Beirut and skiers make the most of the end of the season in Mzaar, just an hour away, it's feasible to ski and surf on the same day, so locals say. 

Lebanon's Mediterranean coastline 

Leonid Andronov

Beirut and the coastal strip 

The coastal strip, on which Beirut sits, enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. This stretch of coastline is home to some of the country’s busiest beaches, where during high season, sun-seekers flock alongside local fishermen, who spend long days fetching supplies for local restaurants’ evening menus. Spring is one of the best times to experience Beirut in all its glory. By late April, temperatures begin to reach into the 20s, and the last of the showers clear up. By May, expect wall-to-wall sunshine, with temperatures averaging 26°C.  During the height of summer, temperatures regularly average 30°C, and it's common to go without rain from June to September. While temperatures remain firmly in the teens during winter months, expect heavy rainfall and a much quieter city. 

Best months to visit: May, June 

The Beqaa Valley

Em Campos

The Beqaa Valley

Situated between Mount Lebanon to the west and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains to the east, the fertile Beqaa Valley is home to some of the country’s most important cultural sites, including the ancient Roman ruins of Baalbek, featuring the Temples of Bacchus, Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun. Here, summers are long and hot, with temperatures regularly reaching the mid-30s. However, if you’re happy to brave the heat, July and August are a great time to visit to make the most of the Baalbek International Festival. Held annually since 1995, the festival is a vibrant showcase of classical music, dance, theatre, opera, and jazz, held in the ancient Roman Acropolis. Spring and autumn are also great times to visit, when local markets are filled with fresh local produce, and temperatures – which hover around the mid twenties – allow visitors to explore the region’s attractions with a little more comfort. 

Best months to visit: July, August

Mzaar is the largest ski resort in the Middle East

Paul Biris

The Lebanon mountains 

The mountainous regions of Lebanon are part of the Levant Ranges, which span the eastern shores of the Mediterranean across Israel, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria. These regions experience a typical alpine climate, with cool summers and heavy winter snowfall. There are six ski resorts scattered among these peaks, which collectively house 49 ski lifts and pistes. Here, the ski season typically runs from mid-December to April, depending on the depth and duration of snowfall, and in Mzaar, Lebanon’s most popular ski resort, conditions are at their peak in mid- to-late February. During the summer months, the cooler mountain temperatures provide a welcome escape from the city's heat, making them a haven for nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking trails through landscapes adorned with colourful wildflowers.

Best month to visit: February