DevOps | Marketscale
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MarketScale for


Some of the greatest communities in the history of business are developer led. MarketScale helps software companies engage developers to participate in User Generated Content, to share knowledge, to innovate, and to collaborate. When experts turn into creators, communities thrive. And when developer communities thrive, software products succeed. 

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Think of MarketScale like an API for community generated content

Community is about connection

Community generated content connects developers, teams and end users bidirectionally and asynchronously. From feedback, to tutorials, to demos and documentation, each facet of the community can create and share the media they need, with access to MarketScale. Each instance comes with both Standard users within an Organization and Contributor users, which can comprise your entire developer community. One consolidated platform for all your media collaboration.  

Documentation and knowledge drives success

Few industries do knowledge transfer like software, where documentation and Helpdesk was seemingly invented. But far too often, important educational material and documentation is delayed, as centralized department management works to slowly create content. MarketScale decentralizes content creation to the entire community, capturing knowledge while its fresh, and delivering useful, helpful content at scale. 

You are not Pied Piper

You don't have to be Pied Piper to have a show about your software products. But it's not typically original entertaining content that thrives across DevOps communities. Instead, it's User Generated Content that highlights use cases, best practices, applications and solutions. Episodic content can align with releases, and create a connected community for important alerts and updates. 

One more thing

From developer's conferences, to product launches, to internal announcements or even feedback and brainstorming, live events drive progress in software development. Some of the greatest conferences and conventions in all of B2B are developer conferences. But as events continue to evolve toward hybrid, consistent user generated content, and scalable virtual venues become critical. MarketScale solves for both. 

Transform teams of five into communities of 5000. 

Engage Your Community
prompt writing


Software is for creators

DevOps teams work together. Now, with MarketScale, your events, media, knowledge base and support content becomes community generated. Engage your entire community to create, collaborate and share. 


Developer teams thrive on knowledge

When DevOps teams and their communities are free to create User Generated Content, knowledge transfer, collaboration, feedback and innovation accelerate. MarketScale provisions all users—potential thousands—across your community to share the insights in our browser based tools.

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Feedback and communication
drive optimization

When experts become creators who can create, share and collaborate, developer operations become more efficient. MarketScale makes feedback easy, offers in-app proofing of media, and analytics to help teams improve in real time.

Meet the media platform built exclusively for the B2B enterprise. 

Ellen Roeckl

Using MarketScale, information is coming directly from our mouths. It displays the intellect we have. We have a high-powered team, and getting that voice out into the market really authentically is important for us.

Ellen Roeckl

Chief Marketing Officer

Island Logo

MarketScale has been a terrific partner. MarketScale helps us design and build impactful content, generate ideas for ways to connect our products to consumers and they are always willing to step in to ensure we have what we need, when we need it.

Karl Baker

SVP of Sales & Marketing

UMF corporation

I highly recommend MarketScale because MarketScale makes everything very easy and super


Collin Hoffman


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of customers surveyed agree that user generated content on MarketScale has helped them raise brand awareness in their market. 


of customers surveyed agreed that MarketScale makes it easy for their community to create podcasts and video content. 


Learn how to decentralize your media production, take ownership of your growth channels, build your B2B communities and scale your business.

Instantly Grow Your Community

Empower your experts through seamless media creation and distribution.

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