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Mexico - Day of the Bandera Nacional

Día de la Bandera / National Flag's day

Last modified: 2013-06-22 by juan manuel gabino villascán
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[Bandera Nacional (National Flag of Mexico)] 4:7
[National Mexican Flag and Ensign]
by Juan Manuel Gabino Villascn, August 31, 2001


Bandera Nacional's day

The Bandera Nacional day is defined by the Ley de la Bandera in the article 10 as follows:

Article 10.- February 24 is established as the Flag Day. In this day special TV and radio programs shall be broadcasted, in order to diffuse the the history and meaning of the Flag."

Joseph McMillan and Juan Manuel Gabino Villascn, May 09, 2000.

Flag Day is celebrated on February 24 because on that date in 1821, the Plan de Iguala document was signed in which Mexico was proclaimed as an Independent country.
Marc Junele Hoyos, 03 Mar 1998

Since February 24th, 1937, there are public festivities on the Flag day in front of the monument to the General don Vicente Guerrero, the first mexican military that swore to the flag in the famous hug of Acatempan on March 12, 1821.
Jorge Candeias, 27 Oct 1997, translating from La Bandera Mexicana website (currently not available).

The National Flag Day in Mexico is February 24th, anniversary of the Plan de Iguala signed by Agustin de Iturbide as leader of the Three Guarantees Army.
Santiago Dotor, 29 Dec 1998, translating from

The National Flag Day is celebrated every February 24th since 1937 before the monument to General Vicente Guerrero, the first Mexican soldier to swear allegiance to the flag, during the famous (?) Acatepam "embrace" (=agreement) on March 12th, 1821.
Santiago Dotor, 29 Dec 1998, translating from

Days and places on which the Bandera Nacional shall be hoisted

The last reforms (DOF Jan. 9, 1991, and May 9, 1995) of the "Ley sobre el Escudo, Bandera y el Himno Nacionales" states the dates when the Bandera Nacional shall be hoist on total and half-staff. The dates are the followings:

"Art. 16.- The flag is flown daily at the seats of the powers of the Union [Presidency, Congress, Supreme Court], immigration and customs posts, captaincies of the port, airports, diplomatic and consular posts, and at the Plaza de la Constitucion in the capital.


"Article 18.- In the terms of the Article 15 of this law, the Bandera Nacional shall be hoisted:

    a) On total-staff in the following dates and conmemorations:
    • January 21: Igancio Allende's birthday (1779).
    • February 5: Promulgation of both the 1957 and 1917 Constitutions.
    • February 19: Day of the "Ejrcito Mexicano" (Mexican Army).
    • February 24: Day of the "Bandera" (flag).
    • March 1: Proclamation of the Plan de Ayutla.
    • March 15: Openning of the Congress (second period)
    • March 18: Nationalization of Oil Industry in 1838.
    • March 21: Benito Jurez's birthday (1806).
    • March 26: Promulgation of the Plan de Guadalupe.
    • April 2: Capture of Puebla in 1867.
    • May 1: Labor's day.
    • May 5: Victory over the French army in Puebla in 1862.
    • May 8: Miguel Hidalgo's birthday (1753).
    • May 15: Capture of Quertaro (1867).
    • June 1: National Marine day.
    • June 21: Victory of the National Army over the Empire in 1867.
    • September 1: Openning of the Congress (first period).
    • September 14: Incorporation of Chiapas to the Union.
    • September 15: "Grito de Independencia".
    • September 16: Start of the Independence War in 1810.
    • September 27: Anniversary of the consummation of independence (1821).
    • September 30: Jos Mara Morelos' birthday (1765).
    • October 12: "Da de la Raza", anniversary of the Discovering of America in 1492.
    • October 23: Aviation Day.
    • October 24: UNO Day.
    • October 30: Francisco I. Madero's birthday (1873).
    • November 6: Promulgation of the Act of Independence by the Chilpancingo Congress in 1813.
    • November 20: Start of the Revolucin Mexicana in 1910.
    • November 23: Day of the Navy of Mexico.
    • Decembe 29: Venustiano Carranza's birthday (1859).
    • Days when Congressional sessions are closed.

    b) On half-staff during the following dates and conmemorations:

    • February 14: Vicente Guerreros's death (1831).
    • February 22: Francisco I. Madero's death (1913).
    • Frebruary 28: Cuauhtmoc's death (1525).
    • April 10: Emiliano Zapata's death (1919).
    • May 21: Venustiano Carraza's death (1920).
    • July 17: lvaro Obregn's death (1928).
    • July 18: Benito Jurez's death (1872).
    • July 30: Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla's death (1811).
    • September 13: Sacrifice of the "Nios Hroes" of Chapultepec (1847).
    • October 7: Belisario Domnguez's death (1913).
    • December 22: Jos Mara Morelos' death (1815)".


"Art. 20.- The national flag is raised at eight o'clock and lowered at eighteen o'clock (6:00 p.m.).

Joseph McMillan, May 09, 2000.
