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What is Distressed Deal Data™?

DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ exists to provide subscribers with intelligence regarding “urgent” and “special” situations that should be of interest to them. Such situations include:

  • Companies that have taken (or failed to take) some action that is a forward indicator of potential distress, whether now or in the near future secured lenders exercising their rights against their collateral after borrower default
  • Government authorities seizing business property
  • Companies whose owners are experiencing some sort of problem unrelated to the company but which, nonetheless, is requiring a quick exit
  • Companies that need to dispose of excess or obsolete inventory
  • Companies whose owners may be in the midst of making a fraudulent transfer
  • Companies that must be sold because they are insolvent
  • Companies that must sell select assets in order to avoid or extract themselves from insolvency
  • Companies that must raise capital urgently to avoid insolvency
  • Companies hovering near insolvency
  • Companies that have experienced an existential threat to their existence
  • Companies whose share price has declined precipitously
  • Select real estate

DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ collects information about such opportunities involving companies that have filed for bankruptcy. DailyDAC, however, does so much more.

The full extent of our coverage is as follows:

  • Assignment for Benefit of Creditors – Commenced
  • Assignment for Benefit of Creditors – Sales
  • Bulk Sales
  • Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – 363 Sales
  • Chapter 7 Filings Involving Companies With Significant Assets
  • Chapter 11 Bankruptcy 363 Sales
  • Chapter 11 – Pleadings (other than a 363 Motion) or Other Facts Suggesting Likely Asset Sales
  • Chapter 12 Sale Info
  • Dissolutions & Wind Downs Under Circumstances Suggesting Remaining Assets of Value
  • Exploring Strategic Alternatives/Out-of-Court Restructuring Action/Cash Constraints
  • Facility Closings
  • Loan Sale (Secured Lender Seeking to Sell a Loan)
  • Mass Layoffs
  • Opportunistic Intel About Private Sales Not Listed in other Categories (Noteworthy Non-Distressed Auctions, Private Business Sales, Private Personal Property Sales, Private Real Estate Sales, Overstocks/Obsolete Inventory, and Other Interesting Sales Without a Legal Process)
  • Rating Agency Alerts/Going Concern Opinions/Stock Market Delisting/Other Signs of Potential Distress OR Upside Alpha Opportunity
  • Receiverships – Commenced
  • Receivership – Sales
  • Secured Party Sales (including Article 9 sales, commercial real estate foreclosure sales, residential real estate foreclosure sales, sheriff’s sales, tax sales, warehouse lien sales)
  • Seeking Debt Financing (No legal process commenced)
  • Seeking Equity Investment (No legal process commenced)
  • Significant Litigation Development Creating Potential Existential Threat
  • WI Chapter 128 Proceedings

DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ does not just aggregate, it curates.

Every week, our researchers review hundreds of data sources. For each deal listed in Distressed Deal Data™, dozens (or more) are rejected.

We do this, in part, by scouring through:

  • Court dockets
  • Government filings
  • Public notices published in hundreds of newspapers and other periodicals

But what really sets DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ apart from services you may think of as our competitors is our proprietary, state-of-the-art search algorithms developed over more than a decade of doing what we do.

Rather than limiting our efforts on companies that are ‘in play,’ we look for forward-looking indicators of situations that our analysts conclude suggest, or will evolve into, the need to sell assets or take in investment on an exigent basis.

And the intelligence DailyDAC provides is not limited to public information and algorithms. We speak with industry insiders every day, and many attorneys, accountants, fiduciaries, investment bankers, and other advisors trust DailyDAC to help them to discretely disseminate information about their clients who urgently need a transaction to happen quickly. In addition, auctioneers constantly seek to list their deals with the DDD, though we are select in which deals we allow, in order to save our subscribers time.

As a subscriber to DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ (“DDD”)™ you may access our deal intelligence in two ways:

  • Your subscription includes 24/7 access to the Distressed Deal Data™ Database (“DDDD”), our paywalled database, so that you can access new deals in real time, as they are added throughout each day of every week.
  • Your subscription also includes a weekly newsletter that recaps all the information added to the DDD over the preceding seven days.

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