Squatter who spent 12 YEARS occupying someone else's house in a highly sought-after Sydney suburb sells it for $1.4MILLION just months after a court handed him the property for FREE

  • Bill Gertos rented out home in Sydney for two decades and sold it for $1.4million
  • Gertos was granted ownership of the home under bizarre 'squatters rights' laws
  • The laws gave ownership to a 'squatter' who spent 12 years living in a house  
  • Gertos moved in after learning the elderly woman who lived there had died

A squatter who claimed a Sydney home as his own and spent years renting it out has managed to sell it for $1.4million without paying a cent.

Property Developer Bill Gertos came across the freestanding three-bedroom house in Ashbury, in the city's inner-west, in 1998 when he was visiting a client. 

Mr Gertos learnt the elderly woman who owned the home had died and decided to take it as his own, changing the locks and adding $35,000 worth of renovations. 

He spent the last two decades renting out the home after he was granted ownership under bizarre 'squatters rights' laws that state a 'squatter' can own a home if they've lived there for 12 years - even without permission of the owners.

The property developer came across the freestanding house in Ashbury in the city's inner-west in 1998 when he was visiting a client

The property developer came across the freestanding house in Ashbury in the city's inner-west in 1998 when he was visiting a client

Bill Gertos (pictured) claimed the house as his own after learning the previous owner had died

Bill Gertos (pictured) claimed the house as his own after learning the previous owner had died

The sale followed a lengthy legal battle that stemmed back to November 2017, when the Downie family learnt their relative Henry Thompson Downie had bought the home in 1927. 

Mr Downie's 95-year-old daughter Joyce was the last surviving member of the previous owner's immediate family, and her nephew Grahame said at the time the decision to grant ownership to Mr Gertos should be overturned.

'This is the family home and it's lost, so it's pretty devastating really. We didn't know that our grandfather owned [the house] until a policeman knocked on our door in November 2017,' Graeme told A Current Affair in March. 

The family claimed to be the rightful owners and applied for an injunction, arguing Mr Gertos' acquisition of the property was not 'open', a criteria which was stipulated in the conditions for squatters rights.

The three-bedroom home on 6 Malleny Street sold for $1.4million

The three-bedroom home on 6 Malleny Street sold for $1.4million 

Mr Gertos spent $35,000 on renovations for the home and rented it out for two decades

Mr Gertos spent $35,000 on renovations for the home and rented it out for two decades

Mr Gertos said he offered the family $300,000 to drop their claim of ownership over the house.

'I was flexible and I do wish this matter resolved, but unfortunately they did not see it that way,' he said.

He said without his intervention the house would have become a 'rat-infested squalor'.

Mr Henry Downie was the last owner of the property, (Pictured: his descendants)

Mr Henry Downie was the last owner of the property, (Pictured: his descendants)

In June this year, Mr Gertos won a Supreme Court case to keep the home at 6 Malleny Street.

The home was listed for rent in February last year for $550 per week, CoreLogic records reveal, News.com.au reported.

Mr Gertos had also spent $180,000 on renovations in 2014 to give the home a new kitchen and bathroom.  

After learning the owner had died, Mr Gertos changed the locks and claimed it as his own

After learning the owner had died, Mr Gertos changed the locks and claimed it as his own

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