young adult fiction novel titled 'Tales of the Zodiac - The Goat's Tale'

A business in United Kingdom needed a book cover design and received 28 Graphic Design book cover designs from 4 designers







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This is what a business in United Kingdom was looking for in their book cover design


Hello! Attached you will find a combination of my own amateurish attempts at graphic design and also pictures that have inspired me. With the obvious exception of the ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ stuff, I have purchased the other images so they are fair game to be used (contact me if you want the hi-res versions).

I hope that by showing you these, I might be able to convey what I’m looking for in a front cover and a website. I’d just like to make a few points that might also help you understand a little better.

1. The book is called ‘The Goat’s Tale’. It is a 'knights of the round table' type story so I would like
2. My concept is 12 tales, each told by a member of the zodiac. I would like the first front cover to be designed in such a way that the following 11 can be thematically linked together. The Goat’s Tale is obviously the Capricorn’s tale.
3. As Capricorn is an earth sign, I would like the colour scheme to be green… Read more
