Rooster Industrial Logo
Logo Design Brief
I am looking for a logo for an oil and gas/steel adjacent business. The company is called Rooster Industrial
I would like the logo to include a rooster along with the words Rooster Industrial.
Our main product is called a blind flange. It is a circular piece of steel with bolt holes around it (you can google).
In my head I have a few different ideas for you to take inspiration from:
1) using the blind flange in the logo as two O’s in the word Rooster
2) Incorporating the blind flange as a border around the design of the rooster (full body or head only).
Colors I would consider in a design are orange, yellow OR blue. Only one of those at a time, but could be paired with black, white, or gray.
Please feel free to take inspiration from my ideas above to create your own as well. Feel free to consider a rustic, yet clean feel.
Target Market(s)
OIlfield testing providers. People living in Texas/Louisiana. People in Oil and Gas.
Industry/Entity Type
Oil and Gas
Logo Text
Rooster Industrial
Logo styles of interest
Pictorial/Combination Logo
A real-world object (optional text)
Abstract Logo
Conceptual / symbolic (optional text)
Character Logo
Logo with illustration or character
Font styles to use
Other font styles liked:
- Others are okay, but probably the less fancy the better
Colors selected by the customer to be used in the logo design:
Look and feel
Each slider illustrates characteristics of the customer's brand and the style your logo design should communicate.
Must have
- Rooster in the logo + company name. A blind flange worked in (and circular item with bolt holes around the perimiter). either as the Os in the word ROoster or as a border around the rooster design.
Should not have
- More than One Color + black or white or gray