FPD business card design
9th Mission Support Command, US Army Pacific wollte ein business card design und hat 22 Modern, Gehobenes, Training business card designs von 10 Designers bekommen
1 - 20 von 22 Visitenkarten-Designs Vorschläge
Hier ist was 9th Mission Support Command, US Army Pacific suchte für sein business card design.
Pacific Army Reserve Family Programs exists to provide timely and relevant programs and services to assist commanders with their role to ensure their assigned Families (Soldiers, spouses, children, significant others) have the highest possible level of well-being, and are the "ready" (for deployment, family separation, and self-sufficiency during that separation). We accomplish this task through several functional areas: Leadership (Director), Coordination (Coordinator--coordinates a variety of human services, staff sections, sister agencies, etc. to offer training and support), unit Family Readiness Programs, Child Youth and School Services, Survivor Outreach Services, Yellow Ribbon Program (deployment and reintegration training), Recovery Care (for wounded warriors), Crisis Intervention, and Prevention Education and Training. Our aim is to demonstrate "Families First" in everything we do, because Family Readiness improves Soldier Readiness which improves Army Readiness. Mehr lesen