Humanizing Machines Illustration
Eine Firma in France wollte ein illustration design und hat 40 Modern, Professionell, Information Technology illustration designs von 16 Designers bekommen
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Hier ist was ein Geschäft in France für sein illustration design vorgenommen hatte.
Dear designers.
We need your help. Our company, Aeteos (please have a look at on the internet) is creating a cognitive computing solution called Percipion. The main purpose of our software is to make machines represent a context, understand, reason and take actions. It can be used by many companies to modernize complex use cases.
We know that many tech companies use blue as their main color but we have selected orange (#FF6505) as our main color. Please also find, if you need it, our logo here attached (png and svg file).
What we need from you is an illustration of the "humanizing machines" concept, respecting the 16/9 screen format, respecting our "orange" color tone and leaving us a place, to add text on the illustration. We use the Ubuntu font and we will place text in white on the picture.
Your illustration will be used on our website but also on social networks as a postcard to promote our brand and concept. This illustration will be…
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