Pilates & Yoga Studio Needs a Logo Design

Contest winning design

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Dieser Kunde bekam 38 Logo-Designs von 11 Designern. Dabei wurde dieses Logo-Design Design von kavish als Gewinner ausgewählt.

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Logo-Design Kurzbeschreibung

I need a logo for my Pilates and yoga studio called Equilibrium Fitness based in La Verne, CA. Our tagline is -- Pilates / Yoga / Wellness / Life Moves You. The words Life Moves You are italicized. The logo should be a cross between Fitness and Zen, but be appealing to both men and women. I like earthy tones, colors that are organic and rich, with a pop of golden yellow. It needs to be something that will brand the studio, and that can be used as window signage, and for business cards and brochures.

The studio offers Pilates, yoga, meditation, Kirtan and Sacred Sounds Meditations, and so forth, so our focus is whole-listic -- full body wellness focused on mind, body, and spirit. Age group is 15 - 90 years old.


I am liking many of the designs and lean more towards logos which are more condensed and not spread out so they are easier to use in publicity, and recognizable by the community. I would like images that are not just yoga specific as we offer other things. I would like the text to belong to or be paired with the image in some manner. Some things are nice but are just an image next to text. I would like it to be organic and contemporary - different.
Added Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm really loving the originality of #3029794. I want something organic, original, and with movement. I see so many lotus flowers and figures in yoga poses all the time. I'm thinking more about the movement of life and not being so literal because that is done over and over. I would also like to stay away from outwardly feminine and 'soft' images. Thank you!

Added Monday, January 27, 2014



Logo Text

EQUILIBRIUM FITNESS, Pilates / Yoga / Wellness / Life Moves You

1. Platz

01 Feb 2014 09:01:04 UTC

Logo-Design Inspiration
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