Logo needed for modern baby gear store Second Stroll

Second Stroll wollte ein logo design und hat 128 Elegant, Spielerisch, Baby retail logo designs von 61 Designers bekommen







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Hier ist was Second Stroll suchte für sein logo design.

We need a logo for our baby gear store, Second Stroll. We want something SIMPLE. Minimalist.
The design can be in the word itself or we are open to a graphic.
We are facing a challenge coming up with something that marries clean, modern, high-end with “Baby” as baby stuff is traditionally very cutesy which we don’t want. We don’t want anything too babyish.
Open to fonts but lean toward serif.
Words we think of when we hear second stroll: stroller/ sun/ movement /walk in the park.

We do not want anything corporate looking.

If you’re going to design/emphasize one of the words we prefer that STROLL is the standout word. Mehr lesen
