Chemical loading arms are an essential tool for a safe and efficient range of chemical transfers. In hazardous industrial work, the use of these arms can be lifesaving. Chemical loading arms provide a secure connection between fixed loading facilities and chemical tankers. They can safely transfer high-pressure liquid or gaseous chemicals without risking worker safety or the environment.
Chemical loading arms are a crucial part of the chemical industry, enabling the safe and efficient transfer of chemicals. They are built to withstand harsh chemical environments and offer many benefits, including increased safety, productivity, and cost effectiveness.
Chemical loading arms offer various loading and unloading configurations. These include bottom loading arms for on-ground applications and top loading arms for loading from above.
Chemical top loading arm systems are designed for top filling of road or rail tankers. They use a manhole or any kind of fixed connection like a coupler. These loading arms use high quality swivel joints and precise loading arm balancing to transfer chemicals safely and efficiently.
We leverage our experience and expertise to provide our customers with tailored chemical loading solutions that deliver real world benefits, including:
Minimal Product Loss
Our loading arms are designed to help our customers increase the safety and profitability of their chemical loading operations. Manufactured to provide zero leakage and minimal product loss, regardless of the chemical liquid or gas being transferred; Emco Wheaton’s chemical loading arms provide real world savings for our customers.
Increased Durability
Emco Wheaton’s chemical loading arms are manufactured using the highest quality materials, including carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, that are chosen to meet the specific demands of our customer’s chemical loading applications. Combined with our class leading aftermarket services, Emco Wheaton’s range of chemical loading arms provide unrivaled reliability and longevity, minimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Maximum Safety
The safety of our customers and their operators is our top priority. Each and every piece of equipment that is delivered by our team is designed, manufactured, and tested to meet the most stringent safety standards; and is certified and compliant with the highest global industry standards. Put simply, our products help keep our customers, their employees, and their operations safe at all times. Emco Wheaton Loading arms use a compression spring balance mechanism that is ergonomically friendly for operators. This spring balance carries the weight of the loading arm and is easy to handle and maneuver into place. This system reduces the risk of injuries such as back strains associated with bending down and picking up hoses, etc.
Ultimate Flexibility
We understand that each of our customers is unique, and that each operation has a specific set of needs. That is why we work closely with our customers to design a chemical loading solution tailored to meet the demands of their chemical loading application. Our range of chemical loading arms covers sizes ranging from 2” to 6”, temperatures between -50oC to 250oC (-58F to 482F), and pressures of up to 40 bar; ensuring that we have the right solution, regardless of the chemical transfer application.
Regardless of the application, Emco Wheaton can tailor a chemical loading solution that will help our customers maximize safety and performance, while minimizing product loss. Our products are manufactured from a range of high quality materials, and can be customized to load / unload a wide variety of chemical or petro-chemical products, including:
- Ethanol
- Alcohol
- Sulfuric Acid
- Sodium
- Hydroxide
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Oil
- Butane
- Propane
- Corn Syrup
- Acids
- Base
- Solvents
As well as a range of technical gases such as anhydrous ammonia, molten sulfur, asphalt, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric, nitric, hydrofluoric, fatty acid, resins, styrene, propylene, aqua ammonia, pygas, tall oil, and chlorine.
Sistemas de control
Los sistemas de control sirven para una operación confortable y segura del brazo de carga.
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Tubo de caída telescópico
Tubos de caída telescópico llevan un contacto de fondo que asegura que el tubo de caída siempre está en contacto con el fondo de la cisterna. Nuestros tubos de caída telescópico son manuales o neumáticos. Los tubos de caída telescópico manuales son robustos y tienen una instalación corta.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia mecánico
Nuestro dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia asegura una desconexión automática de un brazo de carga si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente cortando al mismo tiempo el producto por encima y debajo del mismo.
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Desconexión de emergencia para mangueras
Nuestros sistemas de desconexión de mangueras protegen mangueras para brazos de carga durante la carga o descarga de chalanas y protegen el medio ambiente durante el manejo.
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Guía paralela para brazos de carga inferior
El brazo de carga inferior lleva seis rótulas giratorias para asegurar movimientos completamente libres sobres los tres ejes permitiendo así los cambios en altura durante la carga/descarga. El brazo lleva una guía paralela que mantiene el tubo B (el tubo que conecta con la cisterna) en posición horizontal sin que la posición del tubo A (brazo primario) tenga una influencia facilitando así la conexión y desconexión. El tubo B lleva también un muelle de gas que permite al operador levantar y bajar el tubo B con toda facilidad.
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Adding a vapor cone or plate with a vapor recovery system on the arm, this improves the profitability of the terminal because vaporized product can be recovered and does not pollute the environment.
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Monitor de sobrellenado
El monitor de sobrellenado es un sistema de seguridad secondario que prohíbe que el producto se desborde de la cisterna, si p. ej. en el caso de una cantidad de carga preseleccionada incorrecta.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia mecánico
Nuestro dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia neumático asegura una desconexión automática de un brazo de carga si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente cortando al mismo tiempo el producto por encima y debajo del mismo.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia hidràulico
La variante hidráulica del dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia E0790 desconecta un brazo de carga de una cisterna si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente. El resultado es sólo una pérdida de presión pequeña del sistema.
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Estos acopladores son la manera más innovadora para una conexión rápida y hermética entre dos mangueras o una cisterna y una manguera. Ellos cumplen los requerimentos de seguridad de la industria química y petrolera.
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Sistemas de calefacción
Las calefacciones mantienen los fluidos en estado líquido para productos con temperaturas bajas o medianas o si no hay otra fuente de calor.
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Emco Wheaton offers a range of accessories to help you further customize and enhance your chemical loading arm. From heated steam jackets and breakaway couplers, to pneumatic and hydraulic handling systems; we can provide you with the equipment you need to improve the safety, performance, and handling of your chemical loading arms. Request a quote to get a loading solution designed specifically to meet your business needs!
Parallel Device for Bottom Loading Arms
The arm is fitted with six swivels for complete 3-axis movement of the tanker connection, allowing for tanker height changes during filling/discharge. The arm is additionally fitted with a parallel bar that holds the tanker connection arm ("B"-length) in a horizontal position irrespective of the primary arm ("A"-length) position. This makes tanker connection and disconnection much easier. The B-length also has a gas spring fitted allowing the operator to raise and lower the B-length with total ease.
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Our mechanical Quick Release System provides automatic disconnection of a loading arm in the event of a tanker accidentally driving away. Simultaneously the product flow will be shut off both upstream and downstream of the disconnection point.
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Our pneumatic Quick Release System provides automatic disconnection of a loading arm in the event of a tanker accidentally driving away whilst simultaneously shutting off the product flow both upstream and downstream of the disconnection point.
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Our Hydraulic Quick Release System E0790 is used for the automatic separation of a connected loading arm from a tank vehicle in the event of an accidental drive-away whilst still connected. In this event, there is minimal loss of pressure in the rest of the connected supply.
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Hose Release System
Our Hose Release System is used for the protection of loading hoses during loading/unloading of barges, providing environmentally safe handling of loading hoses.
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Telescopic Drop Tube
is used with a bottom contact switch, ensuring that the drop tube is permanently in touch with the bottom of the tanker being loaded. Our telescopic drop tubes can be either manually or pneumatically operated. Manually operated telescopic drop tubes are robust and have a short installation.
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Heating Systems
Designed to keep loaded fluids in a liquid state, used for products with low and middle temperature ranges or if there is no other heating media available.
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Overfill Safety Device
Secondary safety system which prevents product overflow, for example in the case of an incorrect pre-selected loading amount.
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SURELOK Couplings
Represent the most innovative method of producing fast and tight connection between two hoses or a vessel and a hose. These couplings comply with the safety requirements of the chemical and oil industries.
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Vapor Cones and Plates
Adding a vapor cone or plate with a vapor recovery system on the arm, this improves the profitability of the terminal because vaporized product can be recovered and does not pollute the environment.
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Other accessories: | Availability of different seal materials: |
Los brazos de carga con alcance largo son ideales para cargar camiones y vagones cisterna con varios compartimentos.
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Los brazos de carga y descarga inferior son capaces de cargar productos que requieren un retorno de vapor y un alcance largo. Por eso, son ideales para casos en que no es posible posicionar el vehículo exactamente.
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Fácil para regular, un equilibrio con cilindro de muelle muy suave, rótulas giratorias pesadas y un poste dan aún más alcance a éste brazo que al del brazo de carga sin poste.
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Los brazos en paralelo del tipo E2632 son ideales para hidrocaburos (p. ej. gasolina) y productos tóxicos y agresivos.
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Los brazos de carga superior E2611 y E2612 han sido especialmente diseñados para la carga y descarga de gases licuados.
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Brazo De Carga Inferior De Gas Natural Líquido
Este brazo de carga ha sido especialmente diseñado para cargar productos de gas natural líquido y es adecuado para la carga y descarga inferiores de camiones o vagones cisterna
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Los brazos de carga inferiores de manguera son especialmente ideales para el uso conjunto con varios brazos de carga a la vez en una estacíón de carga para llenar varios compartimentos de un camión cisterna desde abajo.
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Los brazos de carga superiores con retorno de vapor son ideales para hidrocarburos (p. ej. gasolina) y para productos tóxicos y agresivos.
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Los brazos de carga pértiga son los brazos de carga superiores más versátiles con el alcance más grande para todos los productos.
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Los brazos de carga con recubrimiento interno son ideales para cargar y descargar ácidos y lejías (p. ej. 33% ácido clorhidrico, 30% ácido sulfúrico etc.).
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E2630 top loading arm
Los brazos de carga con alcance fijo sirven especialmente para carga camiones y vagones cisterna con sólo un compartimento. Este tipo de brazo de carga requiere un posicionamento exacto de la boca de hombre.
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We offer a range of chemical loading arms that can be used to load/unload virtually any type of container; from single compartment trailer trucks, to multi-compartment railcars. Enter the product tabs below to learn more about the different types of Emco Wheaton Loading Arms!
Marine Loading Arms
We design and manufacture a wide range of Marine Loading Arms to load and unload almost any liquid and compressed gas product from river barges, ships and ocean going super tankers.
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Parallel Loading Arm | Emco Wheaton
E2632 Parallel Loading Arms with vapor return lines are used for hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline), toxic and aggressive media.
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Boom Top Loading & Unloading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Boom Loaders are the most versatile of all top loading arms to handle all media and allow for the greatest reach.
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Bottom Loading & Unloading
Bottom transfer arms are especially designed to load products where vapor return is necessary while providing an extended reach that makes them ideal for applications where a vehicle cannot be accurately spotted.
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PTFE lined Loading & Unloading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Especially designed for loading/unloading of acids and caustics (e.g. 33 % hydrochloric acid, 30 % sulphuric acid etc.).
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Fixed Reach Loading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Designed specifically for single compartment tank trucks and railroad tank cars. Accurate spotting of railcar or tank truck is required.
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Long Reach Loading Arm with Supported Boom | Emco Wheaton
Easy to adjust, super smooth spring loaded cylinder balanced, heavy duty swivel joints and a custom boom support enable these arms to reach even further than our unsupported boom loader.
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Long Reach Loading Arm with Unsupported | Emco Wheaton
The Long Reach Loader is specifically designed for top loading of multiple-compartment road or rail tankers.
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LPG Bullhorn Loading Arm for Loading / Unloading | Emco Wheaton
The E2612 Top Loading Arms are especially designed for loading and unloading of liquefied gases. The arm is connected to the vessel using specialty couplers, providing a fast, safe, and secure connection to the valves of the vessel.
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Bottom Hose Loaders
The Bottom Hose Loading Arm is designed specifically to use multiple arms together as a Bottom Hose Loading Station for bottom filling of multiple compartment tank trucks.
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We leverage our experience and expertise to provide our customers with tailored chemical loading solutions that deliver real world benefits, including:
Minimal Product Loss
Our loading arms are designed to help our customers increase the safety and profitability of their chemical loading operations. Manufactured to provide zero leakage and minimal product loss, regardless of the chemical liquid or gas being transferred; Emco Wheaton’s chemical loading arms provide real world savings for our customers.
Increased Durability
Emco Wheaton’s chemical loading arms are manufactured using the highest quality materials, including carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, that are chosen to meet the specific demands of our customer’s chemical loading applications. Combined with our class leading aftermarket services, Emco Wheaton’s range of chemical loading arms provide unrivaled reliability and longevity, minimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Maximum Safety
The safety of our customers and their operators is our top priority. Each and every piece of equipment that is delivered by our team is designed, manufactured, and tested to meet the most stringent safety standards; and is certified and compliant with the highest global industry standards. Put simply, our products help keep our customers, their employees, and their operations safe at all times. Emco Wheaton Loading arms use a compression spring balance mechanism that is ergonomically friendly for operators. This spring balance carries the weight of the loading arm and is easy to handle and maneuver into place. This system reduces the risk of injuries such as back strains associated with bending down and picking up hoses, etc.
Ultimate Flexibility
We understand that each of our customers is unique, and that each operation has a specific set of needs. That is why we work closely with our customers to design a chemical loading solution tailored to meet the demands of their chemical loading application. Our range of chemical loading arms covers sizes ranging from 2” to 6”, temperatures between -50oC to 250oC (-58F to 482F), and pressures of up to 40 bar; ensuring that we have the right solution, regardless of the chemical transfer application.
Regardless of the application, Emco Wheaton can tailor a chemical loading solution that will help our customers maximize safety and performance, while minimizing product loss. Our products are manufactured from a range of high quality materials, and can be customized to load / unload a wide variety of chemical or petro-chemical products, including:
- Ethanol
- Alcohol
- Sulfuric Acid
- Sodium
- Hydroxide
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Oil
- Butane
- Propane
- Corn Syrup
- Acids
- Base
- Solvents
As well as a range of technical gases such as anhydrous ammonia, molten sulfur, asphalt, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric, nitric, hydrofluoric, fatty acid, resins, styrene, propylene, aqua ammonia, pygas, tall oil, and chlorine.
Loading Arm Accessories
Sistemas de control
Los sistemas de control sirven para una operación confortable y segura del brazo de carga.
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Tubo de caída telescópico
Tubos de caída telescópico llevan un contacto de fondo que asegura que el tubo de caída siempre está en contacto con el fondo de la cisterna. Nuestros tubos de caída telescópico son manuales o neumáticos. Los tubos de caída telescópico manuales son robustos y tienen una instalación corta.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia mecánico
Nuestro dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia asegura una desconexión automática de un brazo de carga si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente cortando al mismo tiempo el producto por encima y debajo del mismo.
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Desconexión de emergencia para mangueras
Nuestros sistemas de desconexión de mangueras protegen mangueras para brazos de carga durante la carga o descarga de chalanas y protegen el medio ambiente durante el manejo.
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Guía paralela para brazos de carga inferior
El brazo de carga inferior lleva seis rótulas giratorias para asegurar movimientos completamente libres sobres los tres ejes permitiendo así los cambios en altura durante la carga/descarga. El brazo lleva una guía paralela que mantiene el tubo B (el tubo que conecta con la cisterna) en posición horizontal sin que la posición del tubo A (brazo primario) tenga una influencia facilitando así la conexión y desconexión. El tubo B lleva también un muelle de gas que permite al operador levantar y bajar el tubo B con toda facilidad.
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Adding a vapor cone or plate with a vapor recovery system on the arm, this improves the profitability of the terminal because vaporized product can be recovered and does not pollute the environment.
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Monitor de sobrellenado
El monitor de sobrellenado es un sistema de seguridad secondario que prohíbe que el producto se desborde de la cisterna, si p. ej. en el caso de una cantidad de carga preseleccionada incorrecta.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia mecánico
Nuestro dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia neumático asegura una desconexión automática de un brazo de carga si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente cortando al mismo tiempo el producto por encima y debajo del mismo.
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Dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia hidràulico
La variante hidráulica del dispositivo de desconexión de emergencia E0790 desconecta un brazo de carga de una cisterna si el vehículo empieza a rodar accidentalmente. El resultado es sólo una pérdida de presión pequeña del sistema.
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Estos acopladores son la manera más innovadora para una conexión rápida y hermética entre dos mangueras o una cisterna y una manguera. Ellos cumplen los requerimentos de seguridad de la industria química y petrolera.
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Sistemas de calefacción
Las calefacciones mantienen los fluidos en estado líquido para productos con temperaturas bajas o medianas o si no hay otra fuente de calor.
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Emco Wheaton offers a range of accessories to help you further customize and enhance your chemical loading arm. From heated steam jackets and breakaway couplers, to pneumatic and hydraulic handling systems; we can provide you with the equipment you need to improve the safety, performance, and handling of your chemical loading arms. Request a quote to get a loading solution designed specifically to meet your business needs!
Parallel Device for Bottom Loading Arms
The arm is fitted with six swivels for complete 3-axis movement of the tanker connection, allowing for tanker height changes during filling/discharge. The arm is additionally fitted with a parallel bar that holds the tanker connection arm ("B"-length) in a horizontal position irrespective of the primary arm ("A"-length) position. This makes tanker connection and disconnection much easier. The B-length also has a gas spring fitted allowing the operator to raise and lower the B-length with total ease.
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Our mechanical Quick Release System provides automatic disconnection of a loading arm in the event of a tanker accidentally driving away. Simultaneously the product flow will be shut off both upstream and downstream of the disconnection point.
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Our pneumatic Quick Release System provides automatic disconnection of a loading arm in the event of a tanker accidentally driving away whilst simultaneously shutting off the product flow both upstream and downstream of the disconnection point.
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Our Hydraulic Quick Release System E0790 is used for the automatic separation of a connected loading arm from a tank vehicle in the event of an accidental drive-away whilst still connected. In this event, there is minimal loss of pressure in the rest of the connected supply.
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Hose Release System
Our Hose Release System is used for the protection of loading hoses during loading/unloading of barges, providing environmentally safe handling of loading hoses.
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Telescopic Drop Tube
is used with a bottom contact switch, ensuring that the drop tube is permanently in touch with the bottom of the tanker being loaded. Our telescopic drop tubes can be either manually or pneumatically operated. Manually operated telescopic drop tubes are robust and have a short installation.
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Heating Systems
Designed to keep loaded fluids in a liquid state, used for products with low and middle temperature ranges or if there is no other heating media available.
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Overfill Safety Device
Secondary safety system which prevents product overflow, for example in the case of an incorrect pre-selected loading amount.
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SURELOK Couplings
Represent the most innovative method of producing fast and tight connection between two hoses or a vessel and a hose. These couplings comply with the safety requirements of the chemical and oil industries.
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Vapor Cones and Plates
Adding a vapor cone or plate with a vapor recovery system on the arm, this improves the profitability of the terminal because vaporized product can be recovered and does not pollute the environment.
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Other accessories: | Availability of different seal materials: |
Loading Arm Types
Los brazos de carga con alcance largo son ideales para cargar camiones y vagones cisterna con varios compartimentos.
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Los brazos de carga y descarga inferior son capaces de cargar productos que requieren un retorno de vapor y un alcance largo. Por eso, son ideales para casos en que no es posible posicionar el vehículo exactamente.
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Fácil para regular, un equilibrio con cilindro de muelle muy suave, rótulas giratorias pesadas y un poste dan aún más alcance a éste brazo que al del brazo de carga sin poste.
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Los brazos en paralelo del tipo E2632 son ideales para hidrocaburos (p. ej. gasolina) y productos tóxicos y agresivos.
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Los brazos de carga superior E2611 y E2612 han sido especialmente diseñados para la carga y descarga de gases licuados.
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Brazo De Carga Inferior De Gas Natural Líquido
Este brazo de carga ha sido especialmente diseñado para cargar productos de gas natural líquido y es adecuado para la carga y descarga inferiores de camiones o vagones cisterna
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Los brazos de carga inferiores de manguera son especialmente ideales para el uso conjunto con varios brazos de carga a la vez en una estacíón de carga para llenar varios compartimentos de un camión cisterna desde abajo.
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Los brazos de carga superiores con retorno de vapor son ideales para hidrocarburos (p. ej. gasolina) y para productos tóxicos y agresivos.
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Los brazos de carga pértiga son los brazos de carga superiores más versátiles con el alcance más grande para todos los productos.
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Los brazos de carga con recubrimiento interno son ideales para cargar y descargar ácidos y lejías (p. ej. 33% ácido clorhidrico, 30% ácido sulfúrico etc.).
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E2630 top loading arm
Los brazos de carga con alcance fijo sirven especialmente para carga camiones y vagones cisterna con sólo un compartimento. Este tipo de brazo de carga requiere un posicionamento exacto de la boca de hombre.
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We offer a range of chemical loading arms that can be used to load/unload virtually any type of container; from single compartment trailer trucks, to multi-compartment railcars. Enter the product tabs below to learn more about the different types of Emco Wheaton Loading Arms!
Marine Loading Arms
We design and manufacture a wide range of Marine Loading Arms to load and unload almost any liquid and compressed gas product from river barges, ships and ocean going super tankers.
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Parallel Loading Arm | Emco Wheaton
E2632 Parallel Loading Arms with vapor return lines are used for hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline), toxic and aggressive media.
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Boom Top Loading & Unloading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Boom Loaders are the most versatile of all top loading arms to handle all media and allow for the greatest reach.
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Bottom Loading & Unloading
Bottom transfer arms are especially designed to load products where vapor return is necessary while providing an extended reach that makes them ideal for applications where a vehicle cannot be accurately spotted.
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PTFE lined Loading & Unloading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Especially designed for loading/unloading of acids and caustics (e.g. 33 % hydrochloric acid, 30 % sulphuric acid etc.).
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Fixed Reach Loading Arms | Emco Wheaton
Designed specifically for single compartment tank trucks and railroad tank cars. Accurate spotting of railcar or tank truck is required.
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Long Reach Loading Arm with Supported Boom | Emco Wheaton
Easy to adjust, super smooth spring loaded cylinder balanced, heavy duty swivel joints and a custom boom support enable these arms to reach even further than our unsupported boom loader.
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Long Reach Loading Arm with Unsupported | Emco Wheaton
The Long Reach Loader is specifically designed for top loading of multiple-compartment road or rail tankers.
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LPG Bullhorn Loading Arm for Loading / Unloading | Emco Wheaton
The E2612 Top Loading Arms are especially designed for loading and unloading of liquefied gases. The arm is connected to the vessel using specialty couplers, providing a fast, safe, and secure connection to the valves of the vessel.
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Bottom Hose Loaders
The Bottom Hose Loading Arm is designed specifically to use multiple arms together as a Bottom Hose Loading Station for bottom filling of multiple compartment tank trucks.
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