
Instagram Live streams are now viewable on the web

You don't have to pull out your phone to follow an as-it-happens event.

Jon Fingas/Engadget

Now that you’re likely staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might not be as inclined to watch live Instagram feeds on your phone... and now, you don’t have to. Users (including Engadget) have noticed that Instagram Live streams recently became viewable on the web. The experience is familiar and supports two-person streams, but takes advantage of the extra screen space to keep comments separate from the video — you won’t have to deal with half the feed being obscured by text.

We’ve asked Instagram if it can share more details of the rollout.

You can’t start a broadcast from your desktop, so this isn’t a complete alternative to other web-friendly livestreaming services. It does fill a considerable gap in Instagram’s web version, mind you, and should come in handy for musicians, celebrities and others who want to reach out to fans while they’re stuck at home.
