Watch this video to find out how the Isle of Wight Council benefits from Query Manager for their HR reporting.

"With EPI-USE Labs' Query Manager, the advantages are really good. It replaced a system we used previously and it has allowed us to maintain continuity across our systems since we moved into the cloud.

Query Manager is a fairly recent acquisition, and its growth and use is going up exponentially. Initially we used it in the IT team to help with some of our extracts so that we could integrate data into our intranet, but more so now our HR colleagues and development colleagues are using it to get some really rich data out.

The facilities that Query Manager gave us for reporting met our needs, it met what we wanted out of it. For our management team, all of our sickness and performance reporting now comes from Query Manager reports; good graphical reports and a good visual representation. They get information from SAP which they haven't had for a long time, so it has really transformed what we can do with it."

Dean Finlayson and Gavin Muncaster, The Isle of Wight Council


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